Tag: 복종하는 아내

  • Practicing Your Roles Before Marriage

    While it is important to be agreed on the use of discipline before marriage, it is equally important to be able to see that your future spouse is prepared to lead if he is the man, and to follow if she is the woman. There are many ways to do this, despite the fact we…

  • My Wife Gives Advice on Submission in Marriage

    At long last, I present you with an article by my beloved wife. It has taken her a while to write it, since she does not compose or write as quickly as I do. Readers have been asking to read something by her for years, and I am happy to oblige. Her article offers women…

  • The Options for Single Women Wanting Discipline

    A woman soon to be married has a life of following her loving husband coming up, and will receive his guidance and his correction. However, for a woman who has been unable to find a husband, or who finds herself widowed, that kind of leadership is usually lacking in our society, and many women crave…

  • An Obedience App

    A reader recently mentioned to me that he uses an app to manage discipline with his wife. The app helps remind her of her responsibilities, and it also tells what the punishment is for each infraction. He has had a positive experience with the app, and thinks it could help couples with their marriage system.…

  • Reader’s Poll: Have You Found Spanking More Effective?

    Please answer in the comments: Have you found spanking to be more effective than non-spanking forms of correction? How so? Our previous polls: Spanking Polls for Readers: https://www.spankingyourwife.com/2020/11/25/spanking-polls-for-readers/ When do You Spank?: https://www.spankingyourwife.com/2021/01/13/readers-poll-when-do-you-spank/ How Does Being Spanked Affect You?: https://www.spankingyourwife.com/2021/04/20/readers-poll-how-does-being-spanked-affect-you/ Who Do You Know Who Spanks?: https://www.spankingyourwife.com/2021/10/30/spanking-poll-who-do-you-know-who-spanks/ What’s the Most Common Infraction?: https://www.spankingyourwife.com/2022/05/13/poll-whats-the-most-common-infraction/ Why Did…

  • How Common is Domestic Discipline?

    There are those who try and paint spanking as a fringe practice, or at least one that is uniquely for erotic purposes. They think it is either abnormal or kink. While its popularity appears to be rising, spanking can be easily misportrayed because of the very fact that many people who do it are private…

  • Spanked for Speeding

    Occasionally I have to give a spanking for something I never thought I would have to. I trust my wife in her behavior, although I know a few of her common weaknesses. I rarely have to worry about anything else. It saddened me then to learn she had gotten a speeding ticket, and with children…

  • Biblical Headship is Real Leadership

    This topic is one that largely applies to Christian readers, because it evaluates weak Christian teachings about marriage in light of the Bible. However, I believe the non-Christian reader can gain valuable insight about the Bible and marriage from reading it. It should not be a complicated matter that the husband is the head of…

  • When to End a Spanking

    One of the most common questions about giving a spanking is when to end it. Even men who are experienced in giving a spanking often simply make a judgment call. Those who are new beginners have less of an idea, and will benefit from sound advice. They naturally do not want to give one which…

  • Is Spanking a Childish Punishment?

    One apparent obstacle to accepting spanking is that people associate it today only with punishing children. Some people never punish children that way, but it is still firmly associated with it in their minds anyway. It is sometime asked as an innocent yet serious question, and other times as an attempt at ridicule, whether spanking…

  • Reader’s Poll: How Did You Introduce Discipline?

    Welcome to another Readers Poll. You can give your answer in the comments below. When you introduced discipline to your marriage, how did you bring up the topic? If you have not married, how do you plan to? You can find most of the articles here divided by general subject matter at the About Page.

  • Problems You Have without Discipline

    Casual readers who hear about wife spanking are often quick to jump on potential problems with it. Even if they are generally accepting, they seem sure that someone’s going to do something wrong, and the practice is fraught with physical or emotional peril. This is a great exaggeration of course. But it also stems from…

  • Managing Your Wife: Eating and Health

    This is Part 3 in the Managing Your Wife series, which has dealt previously with emotional outbursts, and finances. It is almost a stereotype that after a couple has been married for some years, the wife balloons up in size, and makes herself quite unattractive to him, and quite unhealthy. You don’t have to look…

  • Is Spanking Abuse?

    Is spanking your wife abuse, and if not, at what point does it become abuse? The idea that spanking an adult female in marriage is abuse is virtually assumed by a large segment of society. Others accept that if done consensually it is not abuse, but certainly are worried it may be used in a…

  • Do You Have Time to Give Discipline?

    One of several challenges of having discipline in your marriage is making sure that you have the time. This could be planning the time to give a spanking, or another form of correction. The time it takes to give a spanking is not great, usually, so do not think the average marriage will be too busy…

  • Reader’s Poll: Effective Spankings and More

    To all of our readers, men and women, here are two questions for you: 1: Describe a spanking that was very effective in changing your wife’s behavior, or in being changed if you are the wife. 2: What is the most serious infraction you have spanked for, or been spanked for? You can find most…

  • Is Spanking Only for Macho Men?

    Since authority and discipline are matters which involve such strength, it is easy to imagine that men who command their wives, and correct them with a spanking, are the macho type of males. It draws to mind the stronger, or obviously assertive men. Some men have a knack for telling others what to do and…

  • Where is Your Consent God Now?

    There is very public attention given to the need for consent in making a deed right, rather than wrong. It is nearly a litany of the modern era to say — if two consenting adults do it, then I don’t have a problem with it. This is the ham sandwich of the modern diet, and…

  • Managing Your Wife: Finances

    This is the first part in a series on managing the wife. It will focus on setting standards for the home, and leading her in marriage life, with further discussion on when discipline may be needed. Some of these topics I’ve gone over before, others will be new. One domain in which a husband will…

  • Why Prepare for Discipline Before Marriage

    Considering how deeply entwined that discipline is with authority, and also how unfamiliar many couples are with discipline today, it is imperative the establish that discipline will be a means of enforcing authority before you are married. You need to have that little talk no matter how awkward it seems. That is not to say…

  • What Got You Started?

    These are some things I hear from men and women who want discipline in their home, or who have already started it. I hear many of the same factors at work in starting discipline: My wife has been disrespectful to me our whole marriage, and she won’t do what I say. Maybe spanking will help…

  • How Not to be Too Soft

    Men who lead their homes and discipline their wives tend to have two potential pitfalls before them. One is being overly legalistic and harsh, and the other is lacking oversight, and being soft with punishment. I have included a few articles warning against the former, and would like to focus on avoiding the latter pitfall.…

  • Why Men Like to Spank

    I’ve written before on reasons women love getting spanked, and I’d like to similarly discuss why men like spanking their wives. I felt more compelled to write the first article, because to many people it’s counterintuitive that women love to be spanked, and it’s assumed they would never want their husbands to tell them what…

  • Bad Behavior in Public

    Husbands who have been leading their wives for a while generally know well how to handle any bad behavior by her in the home. They have an array of weapons, from instruction, to warning, to immediate discipline if the moment warrants it. For many couples this has become routine, and much is known and expected.…

  • OTK and You

    I have written about common spanking positions before. In my discipline descriptions I also mention several positions I have my wife in when I correct her. I don’t think any of the positions stand on their own in the way that OTK (over the knee) does, and it remains an attractive position for both husband…

  • There’s That Maintenance Thing

    I regularly hear from readers, and likewise from married men and women about maintenance spanking, with opinions both for and against. I’ve put out an article uniquely on this topic before, and I want to address a few related points. Maintenance rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but is also a common practice,…

  • What Men Need to Learn

    This essay isn’t about what men need to learn about spanking. It’s really about what men need to learn about their leadership in the home, so they can later see how spanking falls into place. I write it especially because of the number of women who have tried to tell their husbands they need that…

  • What Men Need to Learn

    This essay isn’t about what men need to learn about spanking. It’s really about what men need to learn about their leadership in the home, so they can later see how spanking falls into place. I write it especially because of the number of women who have tried to tell their husbands they need that…

  • What Does a Discipline Session Look Like

    I sometimes get asked what a normal punishment session is like, and this is a pint of curiosity for those who have either never tried it, or are new and still learning. Nearly all discipline shares the same basic steps, and will vary only a little. Granted, there are unique circumstances in each correction, and…

  • Welcome and Learning Discipline

    Welcome. This is a website devoted to teaching marital discipline, or wife spanking as some call it. I hope to provide advice, instructions, and knowledge about how to use spanking in your marriage relationship. I will draw from personal experience and many years of using discipline in the home, but it is not a personal…