Tag: happy marriage
Do You Have Time to Give Discipline?
One of several challenges of having discipline in your marriage is making sure that you have the time. This could be planning the time to give a spanking, or another form of correction. The time it takes to give a spanking is not great, usually, so do not think the average marriage will be too busy…
Online Fakes and Secret Agents
An annoyance that’s normal to deal with online is fake people, including those who intend harm. For the most part it’s little more than a passing bother, but some individuals clearly are out to harm you, and are worth staying away from entirely. The main way such people try and get in, whether to a…
Does Work Outside the Home Make Submission More Difficult?
In an era and culture in which most married females work full-time apart from the home, it seems almost exotic or strange to speak on the importance of her place at home, caring for the children, serving her husband, and doing the work of the home. Some claim it is not financially possible to do…