Tag: maintenance

  • Humbling a Rebellious Woman

    Spanking functions well to correct a wife who slips out of her submission, or who chooses to do something harmful. It is a simple guide for her in accomplishing her goal. Spanking becomes more challenging, and discipline needs to be done more thoughtfully when training a rebellious woman to live in peace. Most of the…

  • Spanking Polls for Readers

    Here is a poll for men and for women. Since I can’t get the polls at WordPress to work, I’ve just written them out, and you can answer them in the comments below if you wish. Feel free to explain. For women:What do you think of spanking? A) I kind of like the idea, but…

  • Starting Discipline in the Home

    Once you have decided to correct your wife with spanking, your next step is to put this into practice in the home. Some of this may amount to establishing clear leadership and rules in the home, if you have not done that already. For others, it my simply amount to starting to enforce the rules…

  • Spanking as Training

    While we mostly think of spanking in marriage as being for punishing an offense, in many marriage is also gets used as a form of training the wife in discipline and submission. Some couples have sessions only so she can become accustomed to receiving spankings, or so she can grow into submission better. This is…