Tag: marriage

  • The Duty of the Marriage Bed

    This online manual is purposed to give guidance and advise about marital spanking. A spanking is one part of a discipline system, which is only one part of the husband’s leadership, which is only one large part of marriage as a whole. So while I write here on disciplining your wife, I also want to…

  • Wife Spanking vs. BDSM

    When discussing wife spanking in its various forms, someone always asks whether this is the same kind of thing as BDSM, which most people recognize as the whips n’ chains thing. How is this differentiated from the well-known persona of the leather world, or dungeons, or people who sign slave contracts? To tell you the…

  • It’s a Wonderful Life

    I would like for others to have what I have. I may not have a flawlessly perfect marriage, but it is wonderful and happy and peaceful. We seek to live out what God teaches us in His Word and do it as a family. I want that for others, and I truly hate to see…

  • Where Can I Find a Discipline Partner

    Shortly after learning about domestic discipline, either through the power of imagination or the internet (few people learn from friends), some find it very attractive and want to know where they can find someone to spank or be spanked by. It may seem like a difficult task in a society that either does not talk…