Tag: remorse
What to Think about While Getting Spanked
The act of getting spanked is a trial in some ways, and some women are not sure what to think about when they are going through it. There is a natural instinct to steel oneself for the pain. One might try to take the mind elsewhere to mentally escape the strokes which will surely hurt,…
What a Woman Should Affirm During Discipline
I’ve written several times specifically on the need for a husband to lecture his wife, and the importance of her hearing his words of guidance and correction. The importance of verbal communication cannot be overstated. It should be clear and firm, and touch on the main points she needs to learn. On her part, while…
A Young Wife Learns to Accept Discipline
[This is a guest article by our reader Sophia. She describes an early punishment in her marriage, which despite her interest in being disciplined, is very challenging to her. What stands out for me, and I think readers can gain from, is her humility, and deep appreciation of her husband. Even women who desire to…
Helping a Wife See Her Responsibility
Part of your work as a leader in applying discipline is to help your wife see her responsibility for her wrongs. When she knows her responsibility, and ceases making excuses, is when she will benefit most from your correction, be it a verbal, or spanking correction. You need to communicate not just what she did…
It was Worth the Wait
One common denominator around most spankings is that there is a wait involved. The wait may be out of necessity, as it is inconvenient or impossible to give the spanking at the moment. The wait may also be intentional, so as to give the wife more time to think about her situation, and to regret…