Tag: spanking safety

  • What is Spank Your Wife?

    I’ve been surprised and very gracious at the number of visitors I’ve had at Spank Your Wife, including those who sincerely want to learn, and improve their marriages. I’ve also been greatly blessed to correspond at length with some of you. For first-time visitors though, it still may be unclear the overall purpose of the…

  • Spanking and Pregnancy

    The subject has come up many times about the safety of spanking while a wife is pregnant, both in the comments and in my e-mail exchanges with readers. It deserves its own article, and separate discussion. In nearly all marriages childbirth will occur, and it should. Sometimes, the closeness which comes along with spanking, leads…

  • Taste of the Cane

    Let me introduce another guest article by Mark, who is writing today about use of the cane in discipline. As with other guest articles, I’ve asked him to write on subjects I do not have hands-on experience with. I have never used the cane for discipline and he has. By all accounts of spanked wives,…

  • A Note on the Warm-Up Spanking

    While the idea had never occurred to me in many years of spanking, the tool of the warm-up spanking is used by some husbands to ease a corrected wife into her spanking, or more specifically to help her bear the harder end of the ordeal. I can’t speak from experience, but a lighter spanking, either…

  • No . . . Not the Cane!

    The cane has been an instrument of civic punishment for millennia, and similarly in schools nearly as long. We can see uses of a literal rod for punishment in ancient Greek and Roman schools, as well as in early China and India. Small, primitive tribes in Africa have been known to use various kinds of…