If you are leading your home in discipline, or if you are the one receiving discipline, it is natural to ask if spankings are accomplishing what they’re meant to accomplish. The husband is giving them for a desired purpose. How do you know if a spanking is effective? You might ask that about an individual spanking you give or receive, or about the system of corporal punishment in general. Is it doing the job intended?
Spankings are not a miracle cure for serious problems, but they can be very effective in what they aim to do: that is to punish bad behavior, turn bad behavior and bad attitudes into good ones, as well as deepen and maintain a wife’s submission. These are the main goals of spankings. It is fair to ask yourself if you see these results, and make any changes you need to if you don’t. In my own marriage, I am happy with what I’ve seen from using spanking. Even though my wife was never a difficult to manage woman, I have definitely seen some poor behavior disappear, seen her become more easily corrected, and seen her submission deepen.
Bad behavior and disrespect, to begin with, deserves to be punished. If a spanking for these things is serious and undesirable, it has already done part of its job — to make sure the wife does NOT think she can behave like that without consequences. A spanking for disrespect defends the honor of the man of the household, and lets her know that his position itself deserves respect. A spanking should be something to be feared. It should make a woman want to never repeat it again. It should also let her know the seriousness of her wrong behavior, seriousness which before the spanking she did not want to consider or look at. The harshness of the discipline instills in her how serious bad behavior is.
You will want to look at the spanking itself to see if it is providing a deserved punishment, even before looking at results. I would expect it to bring her to tears, although a few women do have trouble coming to tears. Tears are a sign the punishment is doing its job. I would also expect to see its results on her bottom, meaning at minimum leaving her a bright red, and as I recommend frequently, hard enough to leave her sore the coming day or so. That way it acts as a reminder to her — both through pain and through the bright marks on her bottom. You should consider it effective if you see contrition during and after the spanking. You should see her sorry for what she has done, and see that she can express her desire to do rightly in the future, and her full commitment to you as her head. You cannot always judge sincerity of her words. Yet you should still look for these signs to see that your lecture and strapping is working on her.
We also naturally look to the future to see if a spanking is effective. That is the immediate future and the long-term future. One thing I expect to see after a spanking, once my wife has calmed down, is peace, and stillness from her. She is soft to me, and easily responds to my voice. There is no resistance from her. I usually see this period extent into the coming days after I’ve spanked her. When the spanking her been for neglecting her duties, I can also see it’s been effective when she gets to her work and takes care of what I told her to do. What she had put off gets done immediately. Along the same lines, you ought to expect that she does anything you have told her to do as you lectured her. A spanking should furthermore leave her feeling submissive, and soft to you. Many women will admit that a spanking puts them in a much more submissive place, and there is a great peace from the storm that came before. That feeling, along with the right actions, is a sign it was effective.
The long-term good of the spanking is also an effect to look at. Is the wife meek, respectful, and obedient to her husband? Is there peace daily in the marriage? Does she know how to speak to him softly? Maintaining submission in the long term is a part of what spanking accomplishes. As I say elsewhere, spankings help make verbal guidance and verbal correction much more effective as well. One way I know my spankings do their job is that my wife takes seriously when I give her a firm talk about her behavior or a warning she will be in trouble. She’s had to deal with hard spankings, and knows it is better to listen to my words and respond to them. I expect you will see some of the same result, and find that words and warnings are effective, if spankings have been effective. You can also look at long-term improvement of bad behavior or bad habits. Many women have put behind habits like overeating, swearing, or even misusing alcohol because of the discipline of their husbands. These are perhaps the most obvious and clearest signs that discipline is doing its job.
I believe you will see the strongest positive effects shortly after you begin with discipline. This is a time that a wife may have some of those bad habits still with her, or who is struggling with an ego, or with rebelliousness toward her husband. Your hand will cleanse her of those things. The kind of help spanking can offer her within a year will be remarkable. She may be failing in submission, but spanking will put her quickly in the place of submission, and spark her learning. After that initial growth, much of the work is simply sustaining and deepening submission. Spankings become necessary from time to time, and quickly put bad behavior behind her. They get her back on the rails if she is slipping out of her right attitude. They remind her of her place. The man needs to judge if spankings are keeping his wife in line well, and make any adjustments if they are not. He naturally needs to combine them with leading her with words, and with his own virtuous, godly, and loving behavior. The good results are a changed woman.
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