The effects of spanking and the effects of your overall leadership as a husband go hand in hand. This is perhaps nowhere more clear than in finding that warnings do immediate good to change her behavior. They don’t involve having to spank her, but only letting her know she will be spanked if her misdeeds continue. I encourage husbands to use the occasional warning as necessary, interwoven in their system of teaching and discipline. I don’t find they are necessary very often, but I find they are effective when done hand in hand with leadership and correction.
A good time to give your wife a warning is obviously when she is getting close to territory that will earn her a spanking, especially if it’s a severe one. You can let her know briefly that if she does not behave she will earn herself a session over your knee. If you’ve been consistent with her, she will know that you mean it. You’re not playing around. If your spankings have been hard and undesirable, she will likely heed that warning, and change her behavior. That’s what I’ve found to be true over and over. If I see my wife is procrastinating with something she needs to do, I’ll let her know that if it isn’t done she’ll end up being spanked by the end of the week. Then I’ll ask if it’s going to get done. She says yes, and it does. Further, if my wife is edging into argumentative or disrespectful territory, I will tell her bluntly: that talk needs to stop right now, or I am taking you upstairs for something you will not enjoy. Do you want that right now? My wife changes her attitude on hearing those words.
It’s important to note that those warnings are effective, just as my other instructions are effective, because a spanking is undesirable. If it were not undesirable, there would be little threat there in the warning. It would be empty words. She knows that I mean it, and she’s been over my knee plenty of times. She does not enjoy having to be disciplined so she will seek to heed my warnings. Not once have they failed. One could imagine using a warning that you’ll give her a non-spanking discipline, and perhaps that would work. However, as I say elsewhere, I find spanking more effective than say, writing lines, or doing a research paper. The spanking is more humbling, it is more of a deterrent, it deepens her submission, and it has more immediate results. That’s why my warnings are not that she will be grounded. They are that she will be spanked, and she knows it will be hard.
A woman learns to follow you easily, and to show you respect regularly in various ways. That includes your example, your gentle instructions, your loving affection, and your correction when needed. The warning is where your verbal instruction meets the hard sting of your strap. It’s firm enough to give her a deterrent. Yet it is mere words and does not require enduring a discipline session. You might say it bridges the gap, and gives you more to work with in guiding your wife rightly. In the long run, she may appreciate that you give her warnings, since they protect her from your strap, and give her a chance to fix things and right her behavior. It is, you might say, a great spark of motivation. She’ll be relieved she doesn’t get in real trouble, Warnings are also convenient. They will also save you the time of giving discipline, which can take up part of the evening you’d rather have to yourselves. They can be a quick fix, if you use them well.
One final note: a warning is only good if you deliver on it. That means if your wife does not heed you, then she should receive a soon spanking, one of equal severity to her offense, and to her rude dismissal of your warning. It is what she has earned, and it will help your future verbal instructions, and future warnings to be effective. Do not let her disrespect your warning. She will have to spend time bearing the strap if she does. I have seen my wife respond in tears even to just a warning, but after her brief distress, she quickly did what she needed to do, and I was well pleased. She knew very well I would spank her, and she responded with obedience.
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