I look forward to seeing a restored order in the home in this culture at large. A restored order would include a respect for the man’s authority, and with it the regular use of discipline. That seems very far away, but sometimes great changes can happen almost overnight, in the historical sense at least. You don’t always see where they’re coming from. Or perhaps a few minor currents appear, don’t seem to add up to much, but then they become a flood and cause unexpectedly large change.
What would count as normal? I don’t think to be normal the practice needs to be something absolutely flooding the culture. Nor does it need to be talked about constantly and at every occasion. For real authority, and naturally spanking in the home to be normal, I’d expect that it is no longer hidden, or treated as shameful, or scorned. It is something many would expect a marriage to contain. Along with authority comes discipline, and one form of discipline is spanking.
Discipline would be discussed as a possible result of a wife’s bad behavior, when marriage or the home are discussed. Spanking would come up when couples talk about planning for marriage and the relationship they expect to have. Women would not be ashamed to mention that they had been spanked before, and men would teach spanking as an option when discussing being head of the home and head of the wife. Most people would expect, that if they heard a wife mouth off to their husband, or saw her be lazy about the home, that she might end up getting spanked. Most people would understand that if a husband gave his wife that look, or that tone, she might be in for a trip over his knee. That would be normal .
That doesn’t mean that there is no shame about it, as sometimes being disciplined in ANY way brings shame. Most women do not always want to discuss a long tearful lesson they had to learn. It doesn’t mean that it should be treated as a cure to every ill, or an everyday thing either. It should simply be understood that the man has real authority, and when he needs to he spanks his wife. It is a discipline system, just as any other in the world, with an authority, rules, and just punishment.
I could envision two ways to make spanking normal again. The first is, as I mentioned to start, with a real change in the culture in understanding the order of the home, and the man’s authority. That would not indicate an immediate broad acceptance of spanking, but a broad acceptance of the man’s real authority. Along with authority, unless we really twist what it means, would be an acceptance and understanding of discipline for those who are under authority. If we understand that discipline is used in marriage, then it becomes merely arbitrary to reject spanking as a possible use of it. I see a recognition of the benefits of spanking, and its fitting use in marriage, coming along with a recognition of authority and discipline. Some still think that’s a far cry from what they see happening, but I believe if the natural and biblical order in the home is broadly respected, the man’s right to apply discipline is also respected, including giving his wife a necessary and unpleasant trip over his knee.
The other way I can see spanking returned to normalcy in western culture is through spanking simply growing in popularity as a practice, or as a kink, in any number of relationships. If it becomes popular culturally, including in the immoral and illicit relationships the culture celebrates, that broad acceptance will cover an acceptance within marriage, including traditional ones in which man is in charge. Spanking would be talked about, and openly known about, but it would be among all sorts — fornicators, sodomites, role-reversal marriages, and normal ones. The traditional husband who spanks his wife might seem like the Ward Cleaver version of the rest, but he would be accepted and would not be hesitant to speak of giving discipline. Naturally, I don’t view this passage to normalizing spanking as the better one — I view it as the poorer one — but it would still provide an open forum for a good and beneficial practice and also allow such a beneficial practice to be shared much more openly and commonly with others. I can see this helping. The children of the darkness are rooted and founded on what is wrong, but factually speaking, they get some things right: The good use of spanking is not unknown to them.
As you can see, I care about people knowing about spanking and benefiting from it. That is primarily the reason I put up this webpage and guide. It is for the learning and benefit of others. It is for the aid of marriages. I don’t think such a guide should need to be anonymous, but in this culture which demonizes wife spanking, it should be. The cultural change I speak about, which I look forward to seeing soon, will help me and others be able to teach and share experiences much more openly, and with full personal details. Discipline simply cannot be taken away from authority. Or vice versa. An authority who has no power to discipline might as well not be one. Discipline outside of authority is more or less a game. Remember, anyone who threatens the right of the husband to discipline his wife, is threatening the right of the husband to be the authority. He is attacking the head of the home. To make spanking normal again, is to make authority normal. A woman should love and honor her husband, and be treated with love and tenderness. but if she ever thinks to rebel, she has every right to fear.
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