Category: Spanking and Culture
How Common is Domestic Discipline?
There are those who try and paint spanking as a fringe practice, or at least one that is uniquely for erotic purposes. They think it is either abnormal or kink. While its popularity appears to be rising, spanking can be easily misportrayed because of the very fact that many people who do it are private…
Marital Discipline, Family, and the Home in India
This is another guest article from a lady Indian reader. It is a description of marriage and discipline in traditional Hindu culture in India, as well as details of her own personal home life. It speaks a great deal about what home life is like, both as a child growing up and in marriage. While…
Discipline Description from India
This is a description of a discipline session early in the marriage of an Indian couple I have enjoyed getting to know. I previously posted their article about how discipline works in their culture and religion. Among traditional Hindus wife spanking is extremely common and even expected, and even many less traditional ones still respect…
Online Fakes and Secret Agents
An annoyance that’s normal to deal with online is fake people, including those who intend harm. For the most part it’s little more than a passing bother, but some individuals clearly are out to harm you, and are worth staying away from entirely. The main way such people try and get in, whether to a…
Traditional Marriage and Wife Spanking in India
This is a testimony from one of our female Indian readers about upbringing and marriage in traditional Indian, and Hindu families. Her husband has also helped me a great deal in understanding how marriage and family works there. This experience does not reflect every family in India, where in certain places western values have taken…
Feel Like a Natural Woman (Part 2)
While I’ve written about how natural and fulfilling it is for a woman to be led by her man, and to be spanked, I want to address the goodness of her nature on another level — the physical. The same natural desire to submit, and keen ability to do so, is connected to her being;…
A Response to MGTOW Fears
The phrase MGTOW (men going their own way) is quite the buzz word these days. Like a lot of buzzwords, it describes a real phenomenon, and then subsequently forms a real phenomenon, encouraging people by its simplicity and clear identity to define themselves this way, even if their beliefs, thoughts, and causes are a bit…
The Swat Heard Round the World.
One of the most interesting parts of running this discipline website is to see all the places it reaches across the world. As a man who wants discipline to benefit many more marriages, and to help couples in learning to practice it, I am greatly enthused that it gets a decent readership across the globe,…
Tenderbutts and Domestic Discipline
There is a phenomenon in domestic discipline I’ve wanted to write about for a long time now. I call that phenomenon: the Tenderbutts. If you haven’t met them yet you will. No, it’s not wives with very sensitive bottoms. It’s not even people who love a more sensitive brand of wife spanking. It is those…
Do You Still Beat Your Wife?
I have never beaten my wife, therefore I cannot logically continue to beat her. You can not continue to do what you have never done. I do however spank her when she needs it.
Should I Tell Someone We Spank?
It is natural to want to talk about discipline with others, to share encouragement and support, and also to share difficulties, and to seek needed help. This is especially true of the woman, who is dealing with the harder end of the practice, and may want encouragement in learning submission, or in dealing with punishments.…