An annoyance that’s normal to deal with online is fake people, including those who intend harm. For the most part it’s little more than a passing bother, but some individuals clearly are out to harm you, and are worth staying away from entirely. The main way such people try and get in, whether to a website such as this, personal communications, or discussion forums, is through outright deceit. I don’t mean anonymity, which most but not all of us practice. I mean deceit — pretending to be another person, or another kind of person entirely, with a totally different life. It’s worth addressing because it happens so frequently. Such is a cowardly, and evil act, and there really is no honor in it.
If a person simply desires to know what those involved in wife spanking do, or what we believe, nearly all of us are open, and you don’t require deceit to learn anything. You can simply ask. You will learn how we think, live, and handle a variety of situations. However, some people put on masks, pretend to be interested in discipline, or already practicing discipline, so they can try and gain personal information, or uncover someone’s identity. That’s among other motives. I actually had a reader contact me pretending to have recently started leading his home in discipline. His story sounded just a little too perfect to my ears, but I wasn’t going to call the man a liar. In a few brief interactions he unmasked himself. He was a complete fake. He actually hated wife spanking, and was just trying to slyly sell me a product. He just got sick of trying to keep up the act.
I have heard a number of other such stories, including from frauds who try and get close to those they hate, and gain much private information about them. People on discipline forums who claim to be married end up not really being married. These days some content you get sent may even be generated by AI, which is getting pretty good. While one doesn’t always need to be guessing at who is sincere and who is lying, it is important to be aware that such deceit happens regularly online, and eventually to everyone. Some of it is malicious. People who hate wife spanking are known to love harassing those who practice it. I would not share personal information with anyone unless you are one hundred percent sure you know that person and can trust them. I would keep details about your life private, or simply change some of them.
Even those who are not trying to steal information, are sometimes trying to make marital discipline look bad. They do so by telling stories while throwing in some of the most ridiculous situations and practices anyone has heard. They can paint a picture of a traditional marriage, and then proceed to piss on it, and it pleases them to use such dishonesty to attack men and women in those marriages. They don’t even sound like real marriages, but a whole lot of domestic discipline stereotypes packed into one description. They’ll even throw in a few shallow phrases about God or going to church as well. These frauds need their lie, and their cowardice to reach their aims, and surely they take some glee in it. Most of the time they’re not very good liars, and their situations sound scripted, if not predictable. The personalities don’t seem real, even if you speak with them over a long time. MI6 would put their resume in the trash bin.
One Reddit post which links to my website for the sake of attacking my work provides interesting insight as to the frauds and harassers you might run into. A commenter there suggested sending, and I quote, an “undercover team” to pretend to want help or counseling from me. I’m not kidding. That’s the kind of people you will sometimes end up dealing with. Be judicious. If they waste my time and target me, there’s a decent chance they will do the same for you. I don’t presume to know whom everyone is online, but if it sounds like a scripted letter, and if they sound like scripted replies, they often are. You get a good feeling for a person when you have a long back and forth with them, and when you experience their life over time, even online. True authenticity is very hard to fake, except perhaps in the short term. But if it smells fishy to you, I’d recommend staying away. At least drop them a hint that their act is pretty shallow.
Another reason why people go on our websites to deceive is less malicious than that: they simply want to play fantasy. They like the idea of spanking, so they pretend to be involved, and write stories which stimulate them, and which will engage discussion. We’ve all seen this kind of make-believe. It may even include some valuable points, and common experiences we’ve seen before. Yet this too is lying, and is wicked. If a person simply wants to write a story, they need to let people know it is fiction. It might be that they still have readers, and it might be that it still stimulates discussion. Some readers will enjoy their fiction, and there are even website devoted to spanking fiction. But if you are claiming that is your life, and it is not, then you are just another liar and a fake. You are sinning before God and God will punish you. You need to repent and cease your sin. The consequences of lying often come down on the liar, even in his lifetime. They also come down on others, because of the destruction and disorder it brings. Lying behind a screen is still lying.
Everything I write about on this website comes from who I am. Like I say in the About page, and elsewhere, I change a handful of details for anonymity’s sake, including my name. Other than that, you are getting my real life. It reflects my marriage and my beliefs. I give detailed answers to questions from many people who write in to ask, which accurately describe my views and actions. I’d like to think that is also true of the readers who comment here. I want the comments to be characterized by honesty and sincerity. That is the best way to communicate, and it is also best for interacting as a community and learning from each other. If you don’t like wife spanking, just be open and say it. Fake stories and situations aren’t that hard to spot, and you’re not fooling very many people, even if they reply to you. You’re not that clever.
If you want to learn more about marital discipline, you don’t have to make up a story, and fake being a different person. That’s kind of pathetic to begin with. You only have to ask questions and you’ll learn anything you need to learn. Those who use fake identities and stories are being cowardly, and they know it. Welcome to the real world.
Congratulations to India for coming in second in website views after only the United States. May you set a great example in marriage for the world.
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