When I started this website and spanking manual, I did not expect a great number of readers. I thought it would get some attention since spanking is a spicy subject to many people, and because there are plenty of men and women seriously interested in marital discipline. However, I have been overjoyed to see the number of readers grow over time, and the consistent visits they make to this website. I want to thank everyone who comes here to learn, share, and ask questions from the bottom of my heart. I started this to help people and inspire people. The fact you come, means the world to me.
I also must say that readers have been a great help to the website, not only are some of the comments helpful and insightful, but your ideas and your questions each give me inspiration for future articles. While I thought I would have mostly run out of ideas after I churned through most of the spanking basics in a few months, I continue to explore discipline in marriage due to your interactions with me. Whether it is a comment on a page, or an e-mail exchange, your communication is dear to me and helps my work. These days, it probably inspires nearly half of the articles. I could not do it without you.
I am also encouraged by some of the stories I hear from you; the stories of men and women who have improved their marriage because spanking put an end to problems — who go on joyously about the peace that it brought them — as well as those who are still working on it, and use the website to seek improvement. In the less than a year it’s been up, I’ve seen several couples begin spanking in their marriage, or make positive alterations to their discipline, changes which helped them out. I’ve seen younger and unmarried men and women start planning for marriages with discipline, and of course everything else good a marriage contains. I hope the site continues to be not just a spanking resource, but a place of communication and mutual aid. I want to help marriages out there, and I in turn benefit from your shared experiences.
For those men and women still struggling with problems in marriage, I pray for you regularly. For those who want to start with discipline, but have not been able to, do not give up working toward your goal, or having hope in your heart. Repairing a marriage can take time, and even when you do not see that change before your eyes, God is working on you inside, and using that time and that wait to refine you. Keep walking on the path, even if your spouse is momentarily not. The answers are found in Holy Scripture, even when a spouse refuses to put it into practice. There is a simple way with marriage and it works. It is a blessing to all. May you be overflowing with its sweetness and peace.
My gratitude to you all. Whether you are just her to visit, or share your thoughts, or to be a friend, you are appreciated.
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