I’ve discussed the period of restoration that comes after a spanking before, but I’d like to give an overview of what women need during this sensitive ending to the session. What benefits a woman to receive after the hard time of a spanking is over, but the overall correction is not? She longs to be fully restored in her husband’s eyes. She is overwhelmed with feelings, and often conflicting thoughts. Her bottom is roasting slowly. I think you’ll find most women benefit from a few basic things in finalizing the correction, and in coming fully back to her submission.
1. Some time to calm down after the spanking — A woman in tears, and often breathing heavily should be given the chance to calm down, both from the tears and her heavy emotions. Many husbands do this with corner time. I give my wife 10-15 minutes, which is pretty normal. You can give more if you see fit. This allows a woman to better receive the final talk, and also gives her a short chance to further meditate on the lesson she’s learned. I always tell my wife — think about why this has happened, and what you’ve learned. It is also a further sign of submission to display her bottom to her husband, bright red, and freshly spanked. She should remain undressed, and not pull up her panties if they are down. She is still publicly on display for her man.
2. A chance to express her commitment to good behavior — A submissive wife wants to please her husband, and once she is over the bad feelings of being spanked and feeling shame. It is very healthy to be able to tell her man how good she’s going to be. It also helps her commit to her better behavior when she is able to vocalize her future plan. Her words both show reverence to you, and remind herself. She says what her future attitude will be, and how she will behave next time when a similar situation arises. This further instills the lesson in her mind.
3. Review Time — A wife should hear a brief repeat of the lesson she was just taught, in light of the fact she’s just been disciplined. This comes alongside hearing that she can avoid such an ordeal again with her good behavior. If she stays on the path she won’t end up here.
4. Submission — Nearly any lesson comes hand in hand with reaffirming her wifely submission, and her goal of growing in it. Emphasize the importance her submission has in marriage and your home. Her meekness honors God, and allows the home to function smoothly. It rightly honors you as the head of the home, and shows her goodness and her godliness for all. She makes it her goal to walk in the gentleness, and follow you well.
5. She can do it — A wife should know the confidence you have in her. Tell her that you know she can do better next time, and that you will. She is capable of showing the behavior required, and she will make you quite pleased. You are happy with her daily, and blessed by her work. You are only correcting her when she needs it.
6. You discipline from love — A woman can feel down on herself immediately after being bared and spanked hard. She feels bad about her failure, and bad about being criticized. Her bottom is burning as well. It is good to remind her of your love, which is unwavering, and will never stop. You think about her good and her happiness and always will. In fact, it is your love that leads you to correct her when needed, and the punishment itself is guided by love. It’s for her good. If you let that bad behavior go, it would lead to terrible things. A short period of correction and pain is far better, and briefer, than the harm caused by bad behavior.
7. Knowledge her wrong is forgotten — A spanked wife is being cleansed of much inside her, both the filth of her bad deeds, and her guilt. Toward this goal, she should hear that the wrong is past, and it’s all over now. It’s done and forgotten. You’ve fixed things, and everything will be better. You do not spank her out of anger, nor do you harbor anger. You are taking her from the wrong path back to the right one. That’s all. She’s back under your wing, and walking together with you.
8. Affection — Many couples physically come together when the session is over. This is especially important for women, who long for that physical warmth. Connection could be just holding her for a while in your arms and stroking her. Being held is what women love, whether spanked or not. Affection could be making love, once you are finished, and spanking carries a powerful sexual charge. A wife usually wants that physical reassurance of your love, not only your words. That warmth and closeness fills her up, and makes her trust in you more deeply.
It is also common to have a spanked wife show her submission through sexual service at the end. The thank-you blowjob is normal in many homes. A wife who finishes on her knees is putting herself most fully back into her submissive place, and is also showing her right attitude deeply to her husband. Once calmed down after being spanked, many women can do this enthusiastically. I would not call this a necessity, but it is a useful way to complete the session and restore the bond to normal.
These are only some important points to bring in during restoration. Some of them naturally blend together. A few you may feel you have dealt with enough already, and don’t wish to repeat. I find brief repeats helpful, but they’re not always necessary. You may also develop your own plan for this short closure to the spanking. I cover most or all of these when I finish with my wife’s session. They take her step by step from a hard period, into a new fresh and peaceful time. Very shortly we are feeling close. Often I find my wife has the most beautiful glow after being disciplined, within hours, or the next day. There really is a cleansing, as well as a weight off the shoulders. She is quick to be obedient, and listen to my words in the weeks after she is spanked. I as her husband am always eager to show my affection for her as well, and assure her of my love. So usually it is sweetness and spring that follows discipline. The closing time works on both of you, but it is specifically designed for the chastised lady. Her wrong is forgotten, but the lesson is remembered.
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