These are some things I hear from men and women who want discipline in their home, or who have already started it. I hear many of the same factors at work in starting discipline:
My wife has been disrespectful to me our whole marriage, and she won’t do what I say. Maybe spanking will help
I know I have problems with my attitude, and I feel bad about disrespecting my husband. I heard about spanking and I think it might change my marriage for the good.
We do little but argue. I think spanking will help restore the peace.
My husband doesn’t lead much, and he’s is kind of apathetic. I wish he would lead me clearly and spank me. I need his guidance in life.
I got spanked growing up and it turned around my bad behavior. I’m sure it will help turn around my wife’s behavior as well.
I was spanked growing up, and I expect any husband I marry to spank me. I know it works.
We’ve always had erotic spankings. Maybe they will work for discipline as well. It just feels so right.
I want to experience my husband’s power, and spanking sounds absolutely thrilling.
These are not the only avenues through which spanking gets started in marriage, but they are very common ones. They get the mind thinking about what life will be like, and men and women start making plans. They reflect problems that arise in many marriages, as well as the discord that occurs if man and wife are not living out their roles. Men and women see these problems arise and want a real, long-term solution. They don’t want to argue about them without end. They don’t want coldness and bitterness. They don’t want weak solutions, that take time to work out, and leave them to fall back into the same old problems. They want something that works. Leadership and submission work, and spanking has both short-term and long-term success.
There is also a natural sense of the goodness and natural character of spanking. It just speaks to our hearts, both to the one giving it and the one receiving it. It speaks to the hardness of the man, and the gentle femininity of the woman. It speaks to our sexual natures, and is almost unavoidable to be erotically charged. It speaks to past experience, if we experienced spanking growing up, in being a just and humbling way to administer discipline. It speaks to our personal sense of justice, and our spiritual desire to have wrongs washed away. Despite the negative cultural perception of spanking, and the rather medieval bent of the bdsm movement, at heart we have an idea it is wholesome and it works.
Spanking is deep enough in our character that people we would least expect to want it are supercharged to get started. They dream about it. Men who would be described as quiet and gentle learn to take charge, make the rules, and give their women unforgettable strappings. Ones who had long been afraid of hurting a woman learn to make her shed abundant tears order to correct her. Women who were raised to be independent, to ridicule male power, who were educated in ideological feminism, and easily entered the career world, all seek out submission and learn to kneel before their husbands. They hunger to give up their power to a man. Women give up their prideful ideologies, and lay feminism in the dust, to be held accountable by their men and get spanked when they need it. Marital spanking does all those things because it is good. It is successful. It is attuned to our souls.
Husband and wife usually talk about their desire for discipline first, and a wife openly accepts her husband as her leader, one who will discipline her if she’s bad. She commits herself to submission, even though she still has plenty of work to do in learning to put submission into practice. She steps out of her old life and attitudes, and kneels down before him. Men decide on what standards and rules to have for their wife. They choose instruments to work with, and begin to grow accustomed to spanking, lecturing, and making sure a spanking is the right severity. They have to adapt to how often to spank, and what infractions are serious enough to earn one.
The vast majority of the time, when they persevere through the learning curve, and through early obstacles, they succeed in reaching their dreams. The man fulfills his role through his strength, and enjoys the soft character of his wife, appreciating her more body and soul than ever before. A woman feels more desired, possessed, and feminine than ever, and knows the thrill of serving her husband. Both of them succeed in bringing peace into the home, and making past conflict almost unheard of in this new order. It just required the idea, the dream, planning, boldness to speak about an awkward topic like spanking, and getting past the early bumps and resistance that challenge us to grow. Headship and submission work because they are built into us, and they’re common sense enough for anyone to learn. Despite what they may say openly, anyone can understand the usefulness of a good spanking.
Most men and women have also experienced the chaos of intimate relationships that happens when there is not order. That includes marriage and those who are intimate outside of marriage. People both see and experience the lack of rules, the lack of standards, the battle of personalities and egos. They see how emotions determine the relationship, and often determine how it ends, and who gets hurt. They’ve seen the pain, and at times utter uselessness, of trying to build a relationship on pure desire and personality. It does NOT work. Unless you’re holding out for that chance two people both possessing apex emotions for each other, and capable of maintaining those apex emotions for many years, meet and somehow marry, you know those relationships are simply about a lot of suffering. You can avoid suffering sometimes by tuning out, but that’s not a whole lot better either. It is as if the whole fruit is rotten, when in actuality it is not. People are just doing it wrong. They’re ignoring God’s order and nature’s order for marriage. They have built a house on sand and are suffering from the natural results. Man and woman really are built to be compatible, and there is great peace and joy when we are united. We are built to harmonize with one another, and work as well oiled parts of the same machine. We only need to respect that man is head, and woman his helper, along with the rest of the brilliant design God has given us.
I had no doubts about bringing spanking into my marriage. I understood that even if a husband and wife are agreed that the man is in charge, authority does not always go a long way if a wife wants to disobey. It can easily become a meaningless authority, and your words can end up being suggestions. I made sure discipline was a part of our marriage because I know nearly any authority will have to apply itself, and discipline is what helps steer the offender back into line. Spanking works. Even with a gentle and submissive wife, I have needed to use discipline to make sure she takes my words seriously, and does not ignore them. I have had to use it to help her become more responsible with her work as well. Discipline makes sure that authority works in practice, and is not only for very unruly wives, although there are many such wives out there. When you wife knows you can give her a fearsome punishment she will heed your word better, and respond to your authority as real authority. Your words carry weight.
Men know in their hearts there is hope for marriage, and this is one good reason to hope. Marriages can be restored, and a chaotic past between a man and wife can be turned around. Many begin because of problems that seem intractable, while looking for a new solution. For those who are striving to create new peace in their marriage, or just make their bond stronger and closer, spanking provides a method which is irreplaceable. It keeps a woman on point in her behavior, and helps her flower in her femininity. Discipline ought to come together with any marriage, just as it comes together with any real authority. Order tends to break down apart from this exercise of strength.
Why did you start, or why do you want to?
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