Category: Starting Discipline in Marriage
What Got You Started?
These are some things I hear from men and women who want discipline in their home, or who have already started it. I hear many of the same factors at work in starting discipline: My wife has been disrespectful to me our whole marriage, and she won’t do what I say. Maybe spanking will help…
Common Difficulties in Starting Spanking
Couples who introduce authority and discipline to their marriage, whether at the start, or years after getting married, are likely to run into many of the same hurdles in getting started, as well as in seeing the rewards. Good fruit will nearly always come from headship and discipline in the long run, but there will…
That Tender Early Period
As many couples are beginning their journey into marital discipline, they experience with some excitement, as well as trepidation, that early period of learning. For a wife that frequently means more spankings than usual, as she gets used to her husband’s rules and expectations. For a husband, it means some amount of experimentation, of deciding…
A Young Wife Learns to Accept Discipline
[This is a guest article by our reader Sophia. She describes an early punishment in her marriage, which despite her interest in being disciplined, is very challenging to her. What stands out for me, and I think readers can gain from, is her humility, and deep appreciation of her husband. Even women who desire to…
A Wife’s First Spanking
Even a wife who knows that she will be spanked, and who firmly believes in spanking, will feel some hesitancy the first time she awaits going over her husband’s knee. That’s especially true if she was never spanked before, or perhaps if she was spanked as a child, it was so long ago she still…
Getting Started: Three Early Rules
I like to help those who are new to discipline in marriage, and encourage others to try it. One of the first questions a man may have in beginning to discipline his wife, is where to start with rules for the home. What rules should he make? It is easy to get into a trap…
Discipline Turns Around a Marriage
This is a guest article by Mark, who brought spanking into his marriage after it had started, and during a time of difficulty. Since having difficulty, and introducing discipline some time into a marriage, are both common situations, this is a topic I thought would greatly benefit the readers here, and anyone else who might…
Facing Your First Spanking
I’ve written about giving your wife her first spanking, and I’d like to share a few insights into the wife receiving her first spanking. It can be an intimidating moment for some, and make them wonder if there is any way out of it. Fear and pain are the first things on their mind. That’s…
Why I Chose Spanking for my Marriage
I decided to use spanking as a discipline tool in my marriage for a variety of reasons. It was always my plan, and it was a practice I told my wife about before we were married, and while we were still discussing elements of a possible coming union. I was comfortable, and confident in talking…
Starting Discipline in the Home
Once you have decided to correct your wife with spanking, your next step is to put this into practice in the home. Some of this may amount to establishing clear leadership and rules in the home, if you have not done that already. For others, it my simply amount to starting to enforce the rules…
Asking Your Man to Spank You
Most of what I write is aimed toward the head of the home, who is the man. Here I want to engage a common difficulty for women: that is how do they get their man to start spanking them. I talk on this topic from both ends in my piece on bringing discipline into your…
Where Can I Find a Discipline Partner
Shortly after learning about domestic discipline, either through the power of imagination or the internet (few people learn from friends), some find it very attractive and want to know where they can find someone to spank or be spanked by. It may seem like a difficult task in a society that either does not talk…
How to Introduce Spanking in Your Marriage
I introduced discipline into my marriage from the start. That means I explained discipline to her before marriage and while we were still going out. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It was important for us to discuss the nature of marriage, and we were both agreed on the man’s role as the…