Tag: light spanking
The Number One Thing I Hear from Readers
I regularly have conversations with readers who are interested in having discipline in their marriages, or who already have it. I work with some of their problems, and do my best to help guide them to overcome any obstacles. I help prepare them for marriage in the future. I hear their complaints and suggestions. However,…
That Tender Early Period
As many couples are beginning their journey into marital discipline, they experience with some excitement, as well as trepidation, that early period of learning. For a wife that frequently means more spankings than usual, as she gets used to her husband’s rules and expectations. For a husband, it means some amount of experimentation, of deciding…
A Note on the Warm-Up Spanking
While the idea had never occurred to me in many years of spanking, the tool of the warm-up spanking is used by some husbands to ease a corrected wife into her spanking, or more specifically to help her bear the harder end of the ordeal. I can’t speak from experience, but a lighter spanking, either…