Tag: obey husband

  • Keeping Wife and Home Free of Negative Influences

    The influences of the world are heavily against male headship and against godly living. These influences need to be kept out of the home in general, and specifically away from your wife. Worldly influences usually will make her submission more difficult for her, but also take her away from virtue and holiness. The very purity…

  • A Submissive Wife’s Testimony and Advice

    This testimony comes from a letter sent to me by a reader, who has agreed with her husband to let me post it. I believe her testimony is valuable to other couples, in how it shows that she is learning submission, and becoming more feminine, with the help of her husband’s leadership and discipline. Her…

  • Use of the Warning

    The effects of spanking and the effects of your overall leadership as a husband go hand in hand. This is perhaps nowhere more clear than in finding that warnings do immediate good to change her behavior. They don’t involve having to spank her, but only letting her know she will be spanked if her misdeeds…

  • Practical Submission

    Even for a woman who desires to be submissive for her husband, living that submission and responding with it daily, can be a challenge. It becomes much more of a challenge for women who have soaked heavily in the current culture, and learned a lifestyle of complete autonomy, and ideas of womanhood that are more…