I’ve been surprised and very gracious at the number of visitors I’ve had at Spank Your Wife, including those who sincerely want to learn, and improve their marriages. I’ve also been greatly blessed to correspond at length with some of you. For first-time visitors though, it still may be unclear the overall purpose of the website, especially due to the number of articles, which take some time to scroll through. I want to be clear about what this discipline guide is, and both in writing it and responding to readers, I have become even clearer than I was at the start.
First, it’s good to know what this guide is not. Spank Your Wife is not a fetish website, for people who simply find spanking exciting, or want to practice it as a hobby. Nor is Spank Your Wife a bdsm website, although I realize some people use a hammered flat understanding of the term, and fit any discipline in the world under that category. Its clear rooting in marriage, in biblical morality, and the limitations taught within discipline; these alone keep it out of the bdsm world. Spank your wife is not a meetup site, although people may leave their contacts to meet prospective marriage partners, who are amenable to discipline. It is not a spanking porn site. It is not a fiction site, though I don’t rule out the occasional work of fiction if a story is helpful, and clearly labeled as fiction.
Spank Your Wife teaches marital discipline specifically, and Christian marriage more broadly. That is because discipline touches upon the entire world of marriage, and all of its purposes. Spanking is the focus of this discipline guide, with headship and submission both taught and presumed. This guide is rooted in marriage as a God-joined union of one man and one woman for life, with the man as leader, and the wife as his helper. It will never cease to point to what this union, including the discipline contained within it, actually signifies — which is the union of God with His beloved people through Christ. God redeems mankind, and indeed restores all of creation, through His Son.
That does not mean everyone who reads, comments, or writes a guest article is a Christian. Surely some are not, and I have posted more than one article by a Hindu couple, whose perspective I believe is uniquely valuable. Comments may also come from a Secular reader, or from the Buddhist, Muslim, or Hindu world. Most differences in how spanking is used in marriage come down to smaller cultural differences, and the mechanics of spanking is the same regardless of belief system. Aspects of marriage such as headship and submission have been respected by nearly every belief system on earth until very recent times. Discipline has also been common culturally for thousands of years. So neither male headship nor wife spanking are uniquely Christian.
Spank Your Wife contains articles on many subjects regarding marriage, and multiple angles on the same subject. These include:
The use of verbal guidance, instruction, and correction
Headship and submission and how they are applied
How to introduce spanking to your marriage
Dealing with certain obstacles in establishing authority and discipline
General character of man and wife
Sex in marriage, and sex as it relates to discipline
Answers to the contemporary cultural view of traditional marriage
Defense of spanking as form of discipline
Personal testimonies regarding headship and discipline
Safety in spanking
Things to avoid in leadership or spanking
Readers polls
That list may increase over time. I also take article suggestions from readers, and have already posted material I wrote because of your suggestions. I can’t guarantee to post what you ask, but your ideas are very valuable. Usually there is quite a wait before I can post a suggested topic, because I still am working with a backlog of articles. I suppose I’ll run out eventually, but it hasn’t happened yet.
This marital guide is written by a man and generally speaks to men. It contains material which is also directed towards women, but the focus is on male readers and helping them understand their role and take charge in their marriage. Men need to hear this, and they need to hear it taught clearly and without apology. Men are the ones who will turn around marriage and turn around this society in the future, so they need to knowledge and the boldness to do so.
The fact this web-guide is focused on spanking, does not mean that spanking makes up 90% of a marriage. It does not mean that things like love and communication make up only 5% of marriage each. It only means that the focus of the website is spanking, so that will make up most material you see here. Naturally discipline is only one aspect of marriage, and it exists harmoniously with other aspects. Spanking itself is not a core element, although a man’s leadership is. It’s only a tool. People who spank their wives do so a small minority of time in a marriage, although if a wife has a serious attitude problem, it may be more often than you’d expect. Discipline itself is only there to help a wife get over problems, and correct her for serious wrongs. Most of the time it is neither thought about nor performed. Gentle and obedient wives do not get punished often.
The comments here are for basic questions and answers on the topics of the website. You may also share a story from your own life, if it would be helpful to others. However, they are not for long debates, for promoting alternative lifestyles, or for the discussion of topics far outside the purpose of this web-guide. If you desire to discuss matters at greater length than allowed, you can contact people at their e-mails, or write me at mine. Comments should be truthful, although naturally you can change a few details for anonymity’s sake. You can expect, like at other websites, that at least some of the comments are fiction.
Readers can also submit an article request. Such requests have inspired me to write on certain topics, even though it takes time to compile and post new material. Your ideas are an inspiration. If you have a guest article you’d like to write, just bounce the idea off me, as I post these occasionally. Guest articles on topics I do not have experience with, or which reflect valuable personal testimony, are especially welcome. I also invite more testimonies from spanking couples in other cultures than the West, such as from readers in Africa, Asia, or Latin America.
I hope this discipline material helps you to better your life and your marriage. Through bettering your marriage you will also better this world. Family provides powerful blessings which live on through the generations, nourish and bring peace to our children. It is the foundation of society and culture. There are few things more important than doing marriage the right way, which is through mutual love and authority, with the husband as the king of the home. It is life giving, full of power, and provides us our future.
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