Category: Spanking and Faith
Can the Unbeliever Learn about Discipline from the Christian?
I know there are some people who feel radically uncomfortable about going on a Christian spanking site, because they don’t agree with some Christian beliefs, or find them very odd. They still read articles. They continue to come. However, there can be a disconnect on certain subjects. A few may reject learning from these sites…
Does Work Outside the Home Make Submission More Difficult?
In an era and culture in which most married females work full-time apart from the home, it seems almost exotic or strange to speak on the importance of her place at home, caring for the children, serving her husband, and doing the work of the home. Some claim it is not financially possible to do…
Discipline and Confession of Sin
Since discipline is one way in which a husband may manage his wife’s bad behavior, it can not be wholly separated from the spiritual life. Nothing in the home can be. Discipline — whether spanking or non-physical — is heavily practical in nature, since it corrects bad attitudes and behavior, and keeps them from harming…
Discipline and Forgiveness
Discipline and forgiveness are treated like mortal enemies by some. Confused Christians view them as mutually exclusive even in the Bible, and often in their personal lives too. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps the biggest question the Christian has with discipline is this — if I am taught to forgive by…