Tag: consistency
How Not to be Too Soft
Men who lead their homes and discipline their wives tend to have two potential pitfalls before them. One is being overly legalistic and harsh, and the other is lacking oversight, and being soft with punishment. I have included a few articles warning against the former, and would like to focus on avoiding the latter pitfall.…
Common Difficulties in Starting Spanking
Couples who introduce authority and discipline to their marriage, whether at the start, or years after getting married, are likely to run into many of the same hurdles in getting started, as well as in seeing the rewards. Good fruit will nearly always come from headship and discipline in the long run, but there will…
Learn from Experienced Spanking Husbands
When I was new and growing as a spanking husband, I found I gained much from interaction with other husbands who disciplined their wives. No amount of bad material that is out there prevents us from finding some good advice, and it didn’t prevent me. I hope many of our readers, especially the men, are…
The Mighty Consistency
Perhaps the advice you will hear the most in learning to discipline your wife is the need to be consistent. The dedication that you show by making sure to punish when it is deserved, and not put it off too long, is the backbone of your discipline. You do not go halfway with your leadership…