Tag: femininity

  • Can the Unbeliever Learn about Discipline from the Christian?

    I know there are some people who feel radically uncomfortable about going on a Christian spanking site, because they don’t agree with some Christian beliefs, or find them very odd. They still read articles. They continue to come. However, there can be a disconnect on certain subjects. A few may reject learning from these sites…

  • A Submissive Wife’s Testimony and Advice

    This testimony comes from a letter sent to me by a reader, who has agreed with her husband to let me post it. I believe her testimony is valuable to other couples, in how it shows that she is learning submission, and becoming more feminine, with the help of her husband’s leadership and discipline. Her…

  • Why Use Discipline?

    I want to expand on what I mention in my introduction — why do I use domestic discipline and why do I recommend it to others? Or to drop the contemporary lingo, I’d like to explain why it’s good to spank your wife. I want to get into the benefits. Let me talk a little…