Tag: virtuous wife

  • Managing Your Wife: Rules for Apparel

    This is Part 4 of a series on Managing Your Wife. This series already includes sections on handling finances, emotional outbursts, and eating and health. I have written briefly before about setting standards for a wife’s apparel in the context of good rules to start with early in marriage. It is imperative to establish a…

  • Keeping Wife and Home Free of Negative Influences

    The influences of the world are heavily against male headship and against godly living. These influences need to be kept out of the home in general, and specifically away from your wife. Worldly influences usually will make her submission more difficult for her, but also take her away from virtue and holiness. The very purity…

  • Fear in Spanking

    The aspect of fear is present to some degree in any discipline system. Facing a spanking can be a trial, both because of the coming pain, and because of the ego being taken a step down. It’s one reason disciplined wives try to avoid a spanking, and one reason it is a deterrent. A hard…

  • If You Want This For Your Marriage

    For many men and women it is attractive to have spanking in their marriage, and they would like to know how to approach it with a future mate. It seems like a dream, but very counter cultural, especially as a form of discipline. They love the power exchange of a spanking. The excitement. The effective…