Tag: learn lesson
A Wife’s First Spanking
Even a wife who knows that she will be spanked, and who firmly believes in spanking, will feel some hesitancy the first time she awaits going over her husband’s knee. That’s especially true if she was never spanked before, or perhaps if she was spanked as a child, it was so long ago she still…
Description of a Discipline for Bad Mouth
My wife and I walked into our quiet apartment after our trip. Coming home from about a week away, we took time to put our bags down, and put away a few of the more important things. We talked on the couch a few minutes on our trip and about the coming day. Then I…
Description of Discipline for Lateness
One of the earliest lessons for my wife to learn when we married was to be responsible with showing up on time. She knew this was important to me, but she had been raised without a lot of care for being punctual, and her peers weren’t much into it either. Getting her out of the…
Facing Your First Spanking
I’ve written about giving your wife her first spanking, and I’d like to share a few insights into the wife receiving her first spanking. It can be an intimidating moment for some, and make them wonder if there is any way out of it. Fear and pain are the first things on their mind. That’s…