Category: Discipline Description
Spanked for Speeding
Occasionally I have to give a spanking for something I never thought I would have to. I trust my wife in her behavior, although I know a few of her common weaknesses. I rarely have to worry about anything else. It saddened me then to learn she had gotten a speeding ticket, and with children…
Description of a Discipline with Resistance
One thing you must know is that at times you will give spankings for things which are a judgment call. What amounts to bad attitude, or disrespect is not always so clearly defined, so men will be the ones to clarify the matter, and punish when necessary. I don’t worry too much about judgment call…
Description of a Discipline for Bad Mouth
My wife and I walked into our quiet apartment after our trip. Coming home from about a week away, we took time to put our bags down, and put away a few of the more important things. We talked on the couch a few minutes on our trip and about the coming day. Then I…
Description of Discipline for Lateness
One of the earliest lessons for my wife to learn when we married was to be responsible with showing up on time. She knew this was important to me, but she had been raised without a lot of care for being punctual, and her peers weren’t much into it either. Getting her out of the…
Description of Discipline for Arguing
It is not common that my wife is argumentative with me, and occasionally if she starts, I can let her know she should not continue, and she listens carefully. Rarely, I have to punish her her for arguing. Her recent discipline happened because she persisted in arguing with me in front of the children, over…
Description of a Discipline Session
Let me give you a review of a recent discipline session I had with my wife, and which was very successful. As I sometimes do, I used it to correct her in several areas, in large part because I didn’t have to time to address each individually. That is my own fault. I disciplined her…
What Does a Spanking Sound Like
Since much discussion is given online about the nature of spanking, its instruments, its purposes, its methods, I want to help the reader by showing what a good spanking sounds like. Not the sound of the instrument, but the spanking lecture which is always present when I give punishment, and when most others do as…
What Does a Discipline Session Look Like
I sometimes get asked what a normal punishment session is like, and this is a pint of curiosity for those who have either never tried it, or are new and still learning. Nearly all discipline shares the same basic steps, and will vary only a little. Granted, there are unique circumstances in each correction, and…