Tag: better behavior
What a Woman Should Affirm During Discipline
I’ve written several times specifically on the need for a husband to lecture his wife, and the importance of her hearing his words of guidance and correction. The importance of verbal communication cannot be overstated. It should be clear and firm, and touch on the main points she needs to learn. On her part, while…
Why I Chose Spanking for my Marriage
I decided to use spanking as a discipline tool in my marriage for a variety of reasons. It was always my plan, and it was a practice I told my wife about before we were married, and while we were still discussing elements of a possible coming union. I was comfortable, and confident in talking…
What Makes an Effective Spanking
If you are leading your home in discipline, or if you are the one receiving discipline, it is natural to ask if spankings are accomplishing what they’re meant to accomplish. The husband is giving them for a desired purpose. How do you know if a spanking is effective? You might ask that about an individual…
Is Spanking Only for Surly Women?
It’s keen to notice that even those who are accepting of wife spanking tend to think it’s useful only for surly women, or for those who otherwise love it. A man considering spanking for his marriage may think the same way — if she’s got bad attitude I will use it, if not, forget it.…
Description of a Discipline Session
Let me give you a review of a recent discipline session I had with my wife, and which was very successful. As I sometimes do, I used it to correct her in several areas, in large part because I didn’t have to time to address each individually. That is my own fault. I disciplined her…
Crime & Punishment: What to Spank For
For those who have never used real authority in the home, or established rules, it may seem odd to have them, and not clear on what you enforce. This is natural to being unfamiliar, not just with spanking, but with headship and discipline in general. I’m not going to get into all of the standards…