Tag: punish wife

  • Is Spanking Abuse?

    Is spanking your wife abuse, and if not, at what point does it become abuse? The idea that spanking an adult female in marriage is abuse is virtually assumed by a large segment of society. Others accept that if done consensually it is not abuse, but certainly are worried it may be used in a…

  • A Submissive Wife’s Testimony and Advice

    This testimony comes from a letter sent to me by a reader, who has agreed with her husband to let me post it. I believe her testimony is valuable to other couples, in how it shows that she is learning submission, and becoming more feminine, with the help of her husband’s leadership and discipline. Her…

  • Discipline Description from India

    This is a description of a discipline session early in the marriage of an Indian couple I have enjoyed getting to know. I previously posted their article about how discipline works in their culture and religion. Among traditional Hindus wife spanking is extremely common and even expected, and even many less traditional ones still respect…

  • Why Men Like to Spank

    I’ve written before on reasons women love getting spanked, and I’d like to similarly discuss why men like spanking their wives. I felt more compelled to write the first article, because to many people it’s counterintuitive that women love to be spanked, and it’s assumed they would never want their husbands to tell them what…

  • Mr. Light Hand

    Some people refer to marital discipline with the term — taken in hand — which is an expression I like, because it connotes the leadership as well as protection a wife has in being in her husband’s hands. That hand of protection, and correction, doesn’t always need to be hard though. While I believe that…

  • Make Spanking Normal Again

    I look forward to seeing a restored order in the home in this culture at large. A restored order would include a respect for the man’s authority, and with it the regular use of discipline. That seems very far away, but sometimes great changes can happen almost overnight, in the historical sense at least. You…