Managing Your Wife: Responsibilities and Procrastination

Surely one of the commonest areas that wives need their husband’s guidance is in taking care of their responsibilities. He is going to decide on what some of them are, and he is going to give her some rules in getting them done. He’s going to set some deadlines with matters. Dismissing her responsibilities, and simple procrastination is the most common reason that wives get spanked in many households, and it is in mine as well. A husband should be aware of what his wife’s tasks are, and should be there to review them and make sure they get done. This is a simply supervisory job, but it still requires his awareness, decision making, and involvement in his wife’s work. 

While I do not recommend practicing micromanagement, you need to make sure your wife’s work is done correctly, within your rules, and within a reasonable time frame. You may give her instructions in them, and reminders. In my own home, I overlook my wife’s schooling of our children, her purchases for the family, her responsibilities with her clothing and the children’s, and a variety of tasks I may have given her myself. I sometimes have her assist me in research, and I also occasionally give her extra activities to do with the children. She has responsibilities in the garden as well, and in cooking and cleaning. While I trust my wife and consider her to be generally responsible and mature, I still fulfill my responsibility by making sure she gets her work done, and that it’s done correctly. My wife knows very well that I do not accept procrastination or negligence. She handles a lot on her own, but she understands she is ultimately answerable to me. 

One matter of importance is to know that you do not merely passively watch over your wife’s work. You are there to adjust things if you have to. If there is a failing, or something which needs to work better, you can tell her to do her work differently. If you need to put some extra guide rails on her projects, you can do so at any time. You don’t need to be making all the daily decisions for her, since that is her job, but you should be responsible to make those adjustments which are important. For example, I have several times during our marriage changed our standards of dress. That will affect how or where she does her shopping. I have also changed decisions on which businesses we buy from, and that requires she change her routine a little. I have changed the spending limits on projects before as well. While this does not require heavy involvement myself on a personal level, it does require I be aware of what is going on, and give instructions to my wife in her work when it is necessary. 

Managing your wife’s responsibilities is a good arena for a regular period of review. This may be weekly, or less often. A wife can go through review by presenting her work to her husband; what she has to do, along with what she has gotten done. He can assure that everything is getting done this way, and also deal with any individual matters which simply require a verbal correction. He can go over future responsibilities he may have for her at the same time. It will help keep a wife on point with her work and also be a valuable reminder of her submission to her husband. It will remind her that she is under him in all that she does, and give her a chance to experience further his teaching to her, along with his admonition or encouragement. Usually when I have had a review period with my wife it goes well. It helps me be in touch with what she is doing, and I always end by praising her in her work, and by assuring her of my confidence in her. 

Failure in getting her work done is further a husband’s responsibility to correct. I do not recommend punishment for smaller failings, or passing forgetfulness. This happens to everyone. Moreover, when responsibilities pile up, it is impossible to get all of them done, and anyone will have to push the ones of lower priority back a little. This is understandable. I let my wife know if it is absolutely necessary to move something back, she should ask me about it and explain why. I usually have no problem with it. However, if a wife is simply ignoring her responsibility, or procrastinating continually with a job, she should be punished. This is completely unacceptable. I also find that continually ignoring a task ventures into the territory of disrespect for her husband, since she is more brazenly ignoring his words. It is a statement which says she does not care what he has told her to do, and she does not have to listen. In cases of such continual procrastination, I give a more severe spanking, and teach a memorable lesson in respect. My words are not ones she can ignore. 

Spankings for procrastination can bring very quick results. The things she has to change are tangible, and she can usually take care of them quickly. When I spank for matters of irresponsibility, I see my wife respond by getting her work done, and doing it to my satisfaction. There is little more satisfying than seeing a problem solved so thoroughly and so quickly. I sometimes will tell her after her spanking that she has until the end of the week, or the end of several days, to finish the work. If she does not, she will get a second spanking. I have never had to give her a second one, and I am pleased to see her get to work as I told her. A spanking always helps a wife take her husband’s words more seriously, and respond to them more quickly. They are very helpful on a practical level, especially when it comes to her work.


15 responses to “Managing Your Wife: Responsibilities and Procrastination”

  1. Confused Avatar

    Okay… I totally believe this article is true. It just bothers me that it is. And what I mean is: it makes me wonder WHY it is true. I would like to think I would just remember and get things done, but the fact is: sometimes I really do just put things off. Do guys do that too? Is it more common in women? What is it? I would like to think I’m responsible and just do what I know is right. But if I am honest, I don’t do some of the things I “know” I should do. I have been told to drink so much water. In my head, I know it’s good to do, but why is that motivation not good enough to just do it? I don’t know if I am making sense, but hmm… I just know that if it was a choice between drinking the water, or getting paddled and then having to drink it, I would skip the painful option. But with no consequences (at least no semi-immediate ones), it’s easy to just “forget” to do it. And I really am kind of mad at myself for not just choosing to do it.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Hello Confused, Thank you for your comment. There definitely are plenty of women who know in their mind what is right, but there are times when some swats on the behind by her husband is what it takes to motivate her to do it. A good spanking can reach more deeply than words. With time, the simple authority of a husband, apart from the swats, provides the necessary spark to do what she needs. That’s a part of the husband’s job. It is human to need some help.

  2. searching Avatar

    When Target offered “pride” clothes for infants and children I stopped going there. It’s a shame. I have fond memories of buying all of my children’s clothes there when they were little. So sad.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      That’s the right thing to do. Unless there is no other choice, when I see a store start to advertise the immorality or the gender bending, I stop going there. I sometimes write them a letter explaining why I will no longer shop there, and call them to repent. More people need to do that. I also check the profiles of stores on G–gle Maps, and if I see a sodomy flag, I stay away from that business. I have definitely changed my shopping patterns for that reason, and have learned to rely on the smaller, sometimes family-owned businesses. I also know some Christian businessmen in my area, and give them my support.

  3. I have been following your blog for at least a few years…from the old site through to now. I’m just now working up the courage to comment and step out of my shell.

    My husband and I brought spanking into our marriage in 2013. I had wanted it. I craved leadership and the desire to submit beyond my own wants and needs. I was in for a rude awakening, as being humbled, bared and given an attitude adjustment wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. My husband has always been the kind, soft spoken type, but he learned real quick how to apply hairbrush effectively!

    For years it worked, but I began to struggle. Really struggle. At my appeal, we turned our attention to more sensually-focused and fun spankings.

    For years it was a game we both loved, but just a few years back I realized I threw his leadership away, and I had lost myself in the process. Discipline was hard, so I abandoned what it meant to truly be submissive.

    In my husband’s wisdom, he didn’t pressure or guilt me into coming back to consent. He waited for me to submit willingly to this lifestyle again. I asked him what would have happened if I had never come back – but he said the thought never crossed him, as he knew me too well. I was at my happiest when we were committed to this lifestyle together. And he was right.

    I saw the benefits firsthand when he was tanning my backside and holding me accountable. And I also watched myself fall away when we stopped, both in action and attitude.

    We’ve been back to discipline spankings again now for a couple years, and I feel I’m back to my peaceful self. I get more done, I feel loved and cared for, and I feel that motivation to keep growing. We still enjoy fun spankings, we still enjoy teasing and he is my best friend. We enjoy life and love together. But I also know what it feels like to wait for the dreaded trip to the bedroom, the humbling as a result of being put in my place, nose to the corner and bottom on fire. It’s still hard, but worth it in the end.

    Thanks Aaron for this blog. It’s been a true help in getting my head back in the right mindset and admitting to me and hubby that I was wrong to walk away.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      You’re welcome, Bronwyn. I am very honored that I have been able to help you and your husband in your marriage. It can take time and perseverance to grow through discipline, and to get over those humps of resistance. That resistance can come at the start, most often, but I’ve seen it appear later on in a marriage. It is a journey as man and wife. At heart I believe most struggles a wife has come from fear and pride, but a husband also has to use discipline well for best results, neither being too weak, nor going overboard with it.

      I am very happy for you that you’ve got discipline back working again, and you are seeing the peace it brings. That clear and authoritative correction and fits side by side with the love and enjoyment you have together in the home. It’s all part of the same loving relationship. There are simply times a wife does need to be put in her place. Once she is there, it is much more comfortable all around.

      Thank you for choosing to finally comment. You are always welcome to comment on any of the articles, with your thoughts and experiences. Blessing to you both.

    2. Bless you, Bronwyn, and your beautiful, feminine heart, for recognizing your own need for discipline and the many benefits it provides both you and your marriage. Not many women will acknowledge the natural desire God has placed in their hearts for a strong man who will truly lead them and help them be the best woman they can be. I love how you phrased the loss and then the return to marital discipline as a loss and return to your true self. Sometimes I think people assume marital discipline is all about a man getting what he wants from his wife, but it’s also about his wife getting what she needs. I am more peaceful, more loving, and more joyful when my behavior is kept in line by my husband. Most days, this only requires his loving leadership, and maybe a warning or two to remind me of where misbehavior will ultimately lead. Occasionally, though, it requires a hard reset over his knee, and I always weep bitterly to find myself there yet again. But the beauty of that time is that it restores me to myself – the soft and loving bride I long to be! It’s confusing to me that pain can bring such joy and cement us to one another in holy marriage, but I know I may never fully understand the mysteries of God’s wisdom.

      Bless your sweet heart for “consenting” to receive discipline from your man once again, and in doing so, returning to your true self. That was so very beautifully put. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  4. Thanks. Stepping out wasn’t as hard as I thought. =) I think we’re just craving community.

    It’s hard when you have no real life friends who understand this dynamic in your marriage. (Not that we’ve actually spoken to anyone about it. We’re pretty private) We’ve been doing this 10+ years with trial and error and leaning only on each other for support.

    It was my husband’s idea actually – to connect with like-minded people. Thanks. I look forward to joining in the conversation when I can.

    1. jezebelspiritgotspanked Avatar

      Hi Bronwyn

      Wow I can relate to this so much! Feels so isolating not sharing this aspect of life with anyone but my husband. I’m a 40/f/west coast, US. Would love to chat and have another woman or couple to connect with about our lifestyle. Email me if you’d like:)

      1. I love that idea. Thanks Jez. May just so that!

  5. LindatoBehave Avatar

    This article is most certainly appropriate and timely in my current situation and I have a cherry red behind to prove it. Yesterday, I put off and put off again my housekeeping which is to be done 100% before my husband gets home from work. Sometimes my in laws are invited to dinner and the house needs to be need and clean. They did not come over last night, but could have. Regardless, I disobeyed my husband by procrastinating and not getting my housework done or to his satisfaction. This happened before and so: 1) Jean/panties removed, bare bottom over his knee and what followed was a good hard hand spanking and then a paddling; After my 20 minutes in the corner, I was order to finish my housework, with my bare behind still on display. That was so humiliating, then 2) over my husband’s knee again for a second spanking with his belt which I had to take off his pants and hand him. He then asked me point blank: Wouldn’t been easier to just do your housework on time and completely the first time. Tearfully, I answered yes, sir.

    Aronhusband Sir, I hate to admit that I believe I needed the spanking for the procrastination. I am now committed to complete my responsibilities going forward and want to avoid the kind of spanking I received. I am reminded of that now every time I sit down.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Linda. It sounds like you got a good lesson. I know you will be more careful next time to get your work done.

    2. Merichelle Avatar

      Thanks for the detailed description, it sounds like you learned your lesson there. It is easy to let good behavior lapse, so both the heavy spanking and writing about it afterwards will keep the memory fresh.

      1. LindatoBehave Avatar

        Thank you so very much, Merichelle. I appreciate your candid response and obvious validation of the kind of spanking I received from my husband. Also, you are so right – both the heavy spanking and writing about it afterwards is, most certainly, keeping the memory fresh. Better to behave than to be spanked, for sure.

  6. strategoi Avatar

    You’re right that men should take interest in overseeing or looking over their woman’s doings. The reason why procrastination occurs is that if men do not take interest the importance of women’s tasks decrease to them, if it were important or worth diligence why would the man not be active in reviewing progress? It’s the same as a schoolteacher who is known to be lax in reviewing homework, if it becomes obvious the teacher does not sufficiently value homework students will not either, it is after all a chore they might not do if given the choice. The same is so with duties given to women in relationships. Procrastination is at its heart an emotional issue. It results from a feeling of neglect; a lack of interest in tasks prompts a lack of desire to please the task-giver. As procrastination is an emotional response women are more likely to repeat said procrastination of particular tasks because they are more emotionally driven (sensitive). Diligence on the part of the man is required: interest reciprocates desire and desire devotion.

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