Reader’s Poll: Have You Found Spanking More Effective?

Please answer in the comments: Have you found spanking to be more effective than non-spanking forms of correction? How so?

Our previous polls:

Spanking Polls for Readers:

When do You Spank?:

How Does Being Spanked Affect You?:

Who Do You Know Who Spanks?:

What’s the Most Common Infraction?:

Why Did You Start Spanking?:

Spanking Effects and Instruments:

Effective Spankings and More:

How Did You Introduce Discipline?:


37 responses to “Reader’s Poll: Have You Found Spanking More Effective?”

  1. jezebelspiritgotspanked Avatar

    I find that being spanked is highly effective for me personally when done as an immediate correction and bare bottom OTK followed by corner time with me holding a white board that HoH writes whatever I did that caused me to need a disciplined and spanked. Just a spanking is definitely still effective; but all three together is the most effective at producing results desired and longer lasting changes behaviors.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for describing your spankings and how effective they are. Writing down the offense sounds useful as well.

  2. There’s no comparison. I have all but solved years of nagging issues nearly overnight through judicious use of thoroughly spanking my wife until in a state of complete submission combined with a stern lecture. At first I was far too light on her as she’s is very sensitive and I do not want to be callous or cruel. I found these did not have their intended effect and that I was certainly not going to injure her by giving a lomg and hard spanking that she would very much wish to never repeat. I think it is significantly more effective in my house as thus was not her idea, she never thought it would be cute and fun, it is not her kink, she fears being disciplined and does her utmost to avoid finding herself stripped naked over my knee. For anyone who has doubt, I strongly recommend trying this route, I think it nearly essential that a woman be spanked to maintain a working household and society.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for your comment, Oswald. Many men are hesitant to give a thorough hard spanking, but they soon find that being light is not effective. Spanking hard and long does wonders for a woman, and brings her to submission. She soon finds herself in a place of submission much more easily. A spanking needs to be something she will want to avoid.

    2. Merichelle Avatar

      Oswald- I commend you for what you said; I discussed this with my husband and asked for his feedback. He said that he has found my behavoir is better with good regular maintenance spankings but also with extra punishments used wisely: corner time, being sent to bed, bans from social media or television. All women can be trained in different ways and there will be some women reading that don’t need very harsh correction. Unfortunately, it seems, I do need the whack of instruments occasionally .(

  3. Anonymous90 Avatar

    Yes – knowing I can be spanked for rule breaking has dramatically decreased me shouting at my husband, fighting with him to have the last word or just my general behaviour. Also knowing I can be spanked for not doing things like taking my medsBefore we committed to a DD relationship my husband tried grounding, taking my phone from me or sending me away for timeout but I’d argue and fight against them so it didn’t work. Now I’m only grounded if my hoh worries I’m not safe to go out, I only lose my phone if I’m using it when I should be doing something else and I get sent for timeout to try and deescalate a meltdown. I no longer fight against them because I know I’ll get a spanking. He doesn’t even have to say anything about a spanking I just know if I don’t listen to him I get spanked. 

    Spanking is definitely the ultimate deterrent. I have also noticed since I’ve become more submissive, calmer and compliant that I really care about disappointing him now and that’s also a deterrent in itself. I never used to give it any thought but now I really don’t want to disappoint him and strive to make him proud.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      I am very happy for your improvement, Chloe. You’re showing the right attitude in your efforts to learn, and in your desire to please your husband. Other women would see similar good results if they had the right leading of their husbands. Keep up the good work.

  4. Confused Avatar

    I think it is a good deterrent. There are a few other things that would work too. Thinking about it, taking my phone, would probably actually be worse for me. But if both happened … I’d…. Cry. 😂

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for your comment, Confused. Taking the phone could be an effective punishment for some women, for sure. However, it could also be too impractical, since there are any number of necessities that a wife would need the phone for. I can see how it would make a woman cry to lose it.

  5. Avatar

    Yes, it sends a clear message from Hubby that I’ve displeased him. I don’t like displeasing him. He has sat rules and tasks expected of me since I’m a stay at home wife & mother. When the offense reaches to the point of receiving Hubby’s paddle or belt it is a serious offense. Otherwise if it’s something I’ve done that isn’t as severe I usually lose a privilege that I enjoy, corner time, writing lines or writing bible verses. When he uses his paddle or belt it hurts for at least a week I think and I fear the sound of his belt buckle every night when he takes it off.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for your comment, Brianna. It’s very good to have an option of milder correction when it is not a serious offense, and keep spanking for when serious punishment has been earned.

  6. ABetterSelf Avatar

    Hello Aron. As I wrote in a previous poll, spanking changed the dynamic of our mariage for the best, and made me a better man and a better husband.
    I had never used any form of punishment before with Jenny. I don’t think any other form of punishment would work actually or even make sense with a grown-up woman.
    Spanking started with 2 episodes where my wife showed a lack of respect for me in front of men renovating our home (the full story in a comment to Aron’s previous poll). As much as I enjoy her full, strong personality, and do not want her to change a bit, I just couldn’t stand being disrespected by her. After stumbling upon this site, I decided that I would implement a punishment that would shame her and express my displease in the most blatant way, a thorough spanking.
    It turned out to be incredibly effective in adjusting her attitude, but also in strengthening our mariage. I do believe that spanking is a way for the man to show that he is not afraid of being strong with his woman, without any intention/risk to physically hurt her. The pain from the spanking is mild compared to the shame associated with it. Tears during of after (in Jenny’s case a few minutes after) the spanking come from shame, not physical pain.
    About 8 months after the first times, another disrespect incident occurred. I then provided her with a set of rules covering a few items where she was either endangering herself, the kids, our mariage, or myself. I also provided her with a technique to signal her in front of others she was crossing a line (telling her “I love you Jenny” instead of “I love you Darling”).
    It almost happened again a few months after the rules were set, but she was smart enough to immediately correct herself. She probably immediately thought she would get a spanking should she continue with her act.
    Recently, relating to another couple’s fight in front of us, I reminded her that I would not hesitate twice to spank her again if she broke the rules. She immediately acknowledged saying she knew, and we move on as she didn’t want to speak about it, probably out of shame. She even wrote me once that she felt it was important for her to know I could correct her.
    Let’s be clear, the rules I set do not prevent her from being herself, but from hurting herself, the kids, our mariage, or myself.
    Also, since we started with the rules, I noticed she became progressively super submissive sexually and emotionally, listening to my desires and taking into account my expectations.
    Jenny feels happier, more at peace with herself. The kids and I feel very lucky.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      It is great to hear how well spanking has worked for you. I believe it can help nearly any couple when used fairly and consistently. Greater intimacy is also a common result, and it is normal for sexual submission to grow alongside daily submission. Everyone benefits from the peace it brings.

  7. Natalie Avatar

    In our marriage, spanking is the most effective form of discipline. If I am disrespectful to my husband, he spanks me hard with his belt.
    It keeps me very submissive and obedient and reminds me he is the head.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for replying to the poll, Natalie.

  8. Yes,

    I have tried explaining why her behavior is destructive and needs to be changed. That has not been effective. What has changed her behavior is a bare-bottom spanking and knowing she’ll get another one of she misbehaves that way again.


    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thanks for your comment. That is very clear and it works.

  9. marcos wife Avatar
    marcos wife

    My husband is very strict and I must be honest, I am having strugles with that in the last time. I am also honest with my husband cause I never lie or hide from my King – thats how I call him and he knows that I am dealing with some problems in my head so I have been spanked a lot in a while and I find it effective.

    My husband loves me and protects me but its hard to live under his rules. For example I am not allowed even to ask him for permission to go out of home with my friends for a drink, even asking him “Can I …” would end up in very severe hard spankings. Sometimes I feel that I am jealous of my friends that can have more freedom with their husbands than I, so he is beating jealousy out of me and it really hurts but every time when he punish me I feel less jealous and more thankfull that I have such a protective man who is so deep into to make me the most submissive wife ever cause he wants to have best wife who is under his control always. He is giving me maintances every time he feel I need it. I love him and obey him in every way. I’m taking his shoes of and doing everything for him, treat him like a king.

    He always starts hard with one hand while I am kissing the other one, he spanks in the same place until the redness and than switch hands. I always start crying there cause he has a very hard hand, so he give me few minutes to kiss his hands and be proud how strong they are and than switch to a strap or belt. Than I got the real correction that is never mild.

    [edited by Aron for content]

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for your comment. It is good that your husband is looking out for you. Going out drinking with your friends is not a good activity for a married woman to be doing anyway. With time you learn to find satisfaction in other activities. I’m sure you have plenty of freedom to do what is good. Set your mind to serving your husband and learning from the corrections he gives you. I know you will be deeply rewarded.

  10. Spanking is the only form of punishment I’ve ever received from my husband, and we both agree that it has been highly effective in correcting my behavior and contributing to my overall growth as his wife. I wonder if this is what you mean when you ask about correction, Aron. I apologize if I am completely misunderstanding your intentions for this poll. I don’t have anything else to compare it to, but I doubt that anything else could so powerfully convey my husband’s authority or his displeasure with the choices I was making at the time.

    In the early days of our marriage, before my husband decided to use discipline as a tool for my betterment, he would often lecture me about his expectations of me and the changes that he expected to see in our home. I loved the care that he took in mapping out the details of this new life we would lead together, and I enjoyed listening to the reasons why I needed to do things differently. I felt lucky to be with such a wise and thoughtful man who would guide me into becoming the ideal wife I truly wanted to be. At first, the tone was similar to the Bible study sessions that my husband began when we were engaged, in which he would describe how God expected men to lead their families and how, as his wife, I would need to submit to his God-given authority over me. I wanted with all my heart to please him and just “be good” by following the very reasonable expectations he had so carefully laid out for me. As it became clear that there was a disconnect between my agreement in theory and my actions in real life, the tone of his lectures became more tense, and his disappointment was more evident. I felt guilt for my actions, but also guilt that this feeling wasn’t enough for me to make meaningful changes in my daily actions. Simply wanting to please my husband and obey his word didn’t help me in consistently choosing the right action over the easy or fun or lazy action. Real life consequences were too vague or too far off in the future. My husband knew I was attracted to the idea of getting spanked by him and that I also thought that it would really help me, but he still thought I was selling myself short. He believed I could be a better person if I just matured a little bit and put what he saw as a very spoiled childhood in the past. I was a grown woman who needed to start acting like it. As the months went on and he continued to try to “school” me into better behavior, I felt more and more ashamed of my inability to make changes for more than a few days. If I needed to be spanked to be good, that must mean that I was really, really bad.

    By the grace of God, we’ve come a long way since then. Through prayer and reflection, my husband came to the decision that my disobedience would no longer be tolerated and that consequences for misbehavior would be delivered directly to my bare bottom. That was the day he really took responsibility for me and the future of our marriage. To be honest, I hadn’t really accepted that my actions were disobedience. I was still excusing them in my mind as procrastination or weakness. But I have since learned that delayed obedience is disobedience, and I’ve come to accept that the sting of a belt helps me to be swiftly and sweetly obedient in a way that listening to a lecture never did. I truly believe that this doesn’t mean I’m a bad person. It means I am a natural woman designed by God to need the headship provided for me by my husband through bonds of holy marriage.

    For this poll, I asked my husband whether he had ever considered using a different form of punishment in his oversight of me. At first he laughed and said he didn’t think that grounding me or taking away my allowance would send quite the same message. I don’t even know what an alternative punishment for a grown woman might be. Writing lines? Standing in the corner? There are certainly some things my husband has used as part of a spanking punishment, but they are really just ways for me to express regret for my actions or gratitude for my correction in a manner he finds pleasing. Sometimes they increase the feelings of submission or of being humbled, but they’re not punishments in and of themselves.

    Later, my husband said that the physical action of delivering a spanking just felt right to him. It was something he’d been thinking about for awhile before my first punishment, something he was “itching to do” every time he came home to a mess or saw me doing something frivolous instead of taking care of my responsibilities as his wife. He suppressed the urge because he had been raised to never hit a woman and because he was still trying to appeal to my better nature with reason rather than action. Once he finally decided to try it, he was surprised at how satisfying it was for him. It felt like something he just needed to do, and the more I squirmed (because I sure did that first time), the more determined he was to make me be still and take it. The more he knew he couldn’t stop spanking me until I’d been dealt the hard lesson I deserved. When my resistance began to fade and my tears and apologies flowed freely, he felt like he’d done something really important for our marriage. The sin in my heart that had put vanity and selfishness ahead of God and my husband had been rooted out. He didn’t have to wonder whether his lecture had truly sunk in this time, because he could see the strength of his message in the redness of my bottom. I cried hard when he shared this with me the other night, because I remember how scary it was for me that first time and how my entire world narrowed to each stinging slap. There wasn’t enough room in my head to think of anything other than when the next one was coming and the knowledge that I couldn’t escape. My man was the only one in control of my body and this marriage, and if I’d forgotten that in the months since our wedding, it was painfully clear to me now.

    Maybe that’s too dramatic to write, and if so, I truly apologize. Your readers should know that my husband held me and comforted me while I cried, as he always has, reminding me of how much he loves me. I am a treasure to him, and I am safe in his care. The pain of a spanking is nothing compared to the other consequences I am spared from as a result. The worst, of course, would be the fires of hell. This is a very long way of saying that an effective punishment (for this wife, if not all wives) has to be something which is feared, something very immediate in the here and now, and something that focuses all of her attention on not wanting to be in this particular spot ever, ever again. A repetitive, monotonous task I dislike doing wouldn’t have the same effect. It also wouldn’t have the same emotional cleansing effect. I don’t know that I would feel like I’d been punished or forgiven. For me, the tears and the utter relinquishing of control to my husband are a big part of the emotional release that I think all women need. I hate that I need it, but I know our marriage wouldn’t be the same without it. My charge is to remember well the corrections I receive so that my husband doesn’t need to deliver them very often.

    I’m sorry to write so much, I just feel very strongly in the power of God working through a strong husband to keep families united in building the next generation of soldiers for Christ.

    1. Praise the Lord, Sophia! I don’t think you’re being too dramatic at all. I was reading your comment and nodding along in agreement. For me the second spanking I ever got was the one that stuck with me all these years. I was committing the sin of gossip with some other women in church. I’m lucky that I have a husband who was willing to hold me to task for it, and that I have a God who is forgiving with the right repentance!
      All Glory to God,

  11. For me a spanking in conjunction with a long prayer session works the best. I’m not sure a spanking alone would send home the message of me bettering my behavior without the reminder that I submit to it for God’s glory. Likewise, I’m not sure prayer alone would work in allowing me to atone for my actions to my husband. I’m submitting both to God and to my husband, so I definitely need the correction of the spanking along with the prayers. I am blessed to not require a spanking too often.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Thank you for your comment. That is a very good observation. Prayer should be a part of all that we do, so it plays a role in discipline as well, which seek to bring us back onto the right path. Our use of earthly tools is always coupled with trust in God, and His lordship over all we do. Prayer will also help in fully having a clean conscience.

  12. I’m in a strange position where my wife proposed spanking to me, and she’s confessed that this is a kink for her but she wants it to be serious. We’ve tried spanking a few times, and she said the punishments weren’t hard enough. I’m feeling like this is more of a kink than an actual discipline technique and I told her as much. I like the idea of using this to cut back on nagging but I don’t really know if I can spank hard enough without really hurting her but also have this be completely unenjoyable for her. Like the last time I gave her a spanking I paddled her 15 times with a medium sized fraternity paddle, and I could see little dots of red on the surface of the skin and could tell she would start bleeding if I kept going. But she said that it wasn’t hard enough for her? Do you think you could write an article about this problem? Am I the only one?

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Hello Mark, Thank you for visiting my discipline website. I know it can be a change of pace to start applying discipline in your marriage, and there are naturally many questions you will have. I would just begin by noting that the most important thing is your leadership of your wife, and her submission to you. If this is established in your marriage, I believe it becomes easy to see how discipline fits into place. You will find times when it is very obvious that your wife needs a correction. You will see poor behavior, or poor attitude. It is a responsibility of the husband to be able to correct this. Spanking just happens to be a very good way to correct it, and I believe it is uniquely suited for marriage.

      Spanking is heavily associated with sexual play. However, discipline is a more productive purpose. While discipline spankings still may include an erotic element (and it’s impossible to take that away from marriage), it is simply there to humble and punish a wife. It puts her in a gentler place, and a more submissive place in her heart. It makes sure she pays the penalty for her bad behavior, and it gives her something to deter her in the future. It is far superior to guilt, fighting, or the negative effects of whatever got her in trouble. I have found that spanking puts matters in the past much faster than other methods of correction, and more successfully as well. Spanking also makes it easier for you to manage your wife, as your words get through to her more strongly, as she knows you can back them up.

      It is common to be afraid of hurting your wife when giving a spanking. However, actual injuries in spanking are very rare. Mostly, they leave a bottom red, or somewhat bruised, or welted. It will take time and experience to come to a point where you know you are both giving a hard and thorough spanking, and also are not going overboard. But this is not rocket science. I believe any man with time and experience will be able to give a long and undesirable spanking to his wife while also being safe. Being aware of what works uniquely with your wife is important, as is judging the results of the punishment. I’ve never used a paddle with holes, so I don’t have experience with the problem you mention. If you don’t think that instrument works for you, try a regular paddle, or another strong instrument. I have given my wife several paddlings for serious wrongs, and I deliver far more strokes of the paddle than you describe. It does not cause injury. It just hurts. With other instruments I have delivered well over fifty strokes and my wife was fine despite the ordeal.

      As far as giving punishment, just know that usually a long and thorough spanking is necessary. It should bring a wife to tears, and past tears, and make her wish it were over. She should really regret what she did, and not want to be over your knee again. A good spanking can do this, but it needs to be thorough, and it helps that she receive a stern lecture as she’s getting spanked.

      A few articles which touch on these subjects for you:

      Men Afraid to Give a Spanking that Hurts:

      When to End a Spanking:

      In Favor of a Sore Backside:

      What Can a Man Do:

      There may be other articles which are relevant too. Feel free to write me at my e-mail if you’d like to discuss in more detail or privately.

      Take care.

      1. mark_one Avatar

        Sorry I’m the same Mark, I lost my account and made a new one.

        But the paddle doesn’t have holes in it. It’s just that the blood starts to rise really close to the surface of the skin, and I don’t want to cause bleeding. But if she says it’s ok it’s probably ok right? Are there skin indicators you look for to stop a spanking?

        Also, I’m just confused because a spanking like the one i’ve given her seems very painful, like I would be fighting back if I had been paddled like that. Do you think she just has a really high pain tolerance? How do I take that into account?

        Thank you for the links. I’m going to try using my belt instead because it seems less likely to cause any real damage. You’ve mentioned giving 50 with a paddle. How many might you give with a belt? Would a hundred be a punishment to be avoided if I do it right?

        1. aronhusband Avatar

          Hello Mark, I think I understand what you are looking at in your description. While I cannot say for certain, I have seen little red dots appear on the area I am spanking repeatedly. They were fully beneath the surface. They did not bleed or even come close. However, since I cannot be certain of what you describe, I’d just suggest using your best judgment. That will also entail considering your wife’s reaction to the spanking.

          A full grown man, if using all of his strength, certainly could cause either excessive pain or injury with an instrument. However, in the spanking process, you are moderating your force, and giving a good solid swat, one that definitely will hurt. Over time, I believe you will find it easier to adjust harder if needed, or softer if needed, to deliver a hard and unpleasant spanking without any worry about injury. It definitely does need to hurt. She should not want to face it again.

          The belt can deliver a good spanking, although I’d say it’s a notch down from the paddle. Learning control with the belt is more important, since it is swishy, and sometimes does not land solidly, and may possibly miss the spot. A belt used with good force, landing solidly, hurts. I really can’t put a number on how many strokes to use, as I do not even count. I just spank until I believe my wife has earned the penalty for her behavior, and will never want to repeat the correction. I expect to see her tearful and contrite. I could easily go over fifty strokes if spanking with a belt, but much depends on how hard you are spanking, and how she is responding.

          I don’t think you need to worry about injury unless you truly go overboard, or are totally careless. The bottom can take a good spanking, as can a woman.

          I look forward to hearing more about your experience in disciplining your wife. You are also welcome to e-mail me for further discussion.

    2. Kruggerand Avatar

      I would recommend this post first:

      It references incorporating other discipline options such as these:

      Combining some other discipline options with the spanking can help refocus her mind on the infraction instead of getting a rise from the spanking. Also, the lecturing during the process should help as well.

  13. LindatoBehave Avatar

    There is no question that I have definitely Found Spanking More Effective.

    Having to stand in front of my husband, get a stern, no nonsense, talking to and then going over his knee for a good, results oriented, kind of spanking – does put things in perspective for me, like nothing else. My usual 20 minutes in the corner gives me time to rethink how I am going to avoid a repeat performance, displeasing my husband. The key concept for me is it is much easier and pleasant to behave in the first place – than to get the paddle, hairbrush or strap and do what I should have done in the first place. I know my mother in law is spanked by my father in law and so we encourage each other to behave.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      That is excellent. Spanking is very practical as a punishment, and it gets good results. My wife will quickly readjust the way she does things after she goes over my knee.

  14. steadyshepherd Avatar

    Yes. We are new to spanking for discipline, having used “loss of privileges” before, and perhaps we are just in “in the honeymoon phase”, but my wife actually let me know this morning that she was 1) highly emotional, 2) probably PMS-ing, and 3) would probably need a spanking sometime during the day. Last week, she asked for a spanking without being prompted, and this week, she asked for a “future spanking”, anticipating her own needs and advocating for them. There have been some instances where she objected at the start, but she has always come around to appreciating the discipline by the time the tears have dried.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      That’s very good. It is helpful to be able to anticipate when discipline will be needed, and in what situations. Thank you for your comment, Steadyshepherd.

    2. Steady Shepherd,

      I feel that totally.

      In our house we call them “unfoldings.” I feel like I’m wound so tight with stress. I know myself well enough to see where the stress is heading…. and it’s never a good place.

      Sometimes I asked for an unfolding spanking, sometimes my husband just tells me I’m getting one. Either way, it’s very controlled and cathardic. Still painful, still brings tears, but at a slower/longer build-up pace.

      In the end, I feel the stress crumble and the emotional release I needed, that headed off any disrespect or extra mouth/attitude that may have surfaced.

      Best thing we ever discovered.

  15. Most definitely yes. But not so much for the pain. It’s the whole package.

    If my husband simply dragged me into the bedroom and tore up my backside? Yes, I would think twice to avoid the unpleasant. But that same avoidance could have resulted from anything as unpleasant.

    However, with spankings it is not just the physical pain. The effectiveness to me lies in so many pieces of the puzzle.

    It’s humbling. — This moves mountains for me. Mountains of pride that could easily grow into monsters if it remained unchecked.

    With every spanking comes a lecture (and reassurances). — I am my own worst critic. With few exceptions, I am quick to confess wrong immediately and often the weight of guilt just swallows me. With every spanking my husband walks me through why I got there, but also why I don’t need to park there. He helps me move on.

    And third, it’s a continual reminder that he loves me enough. Love is not just an empty word to us. My husband loves me enough to give me something he does not really enjoy giving — a punishment spanking. They aren’t fun. They aren’t sexy. They are serious, hard, painful and humbling.

    All of these components together leave me feeling contrite, but also very loved and secure. He would rather not punish me, but he does when he needs to. And that is motivation enough to think twice before causing him reason to give me another.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      You explain the value of a spanking very well, Bronwyn. I find what you say holds true for many women. Thank you for your insights.

  16. I’ve been using your blog as a set of guidelines for spanking and disciplining my husband for some time now.
    Over time, I have seen his submission to me increase as each spanking and lecture solidifies his place under me in our FLR. While we don’t seem to be your intended audience it’s nice to know that these practices are just as effective in making a man submit as they are anyone else.

    1. aronhusband Avatar

      Hello Heroic, Thank you for commenting. I am very honored that you visit my website. Many of these guidelines and techniques are as universal as anything can be. They speak to the mind and soul. They are effective, although they are geared towards the natural strengths of the man and the woman, with the man built to be in the driver’s seat, and the woman built to follow. Anyone can benefit from punishment when they are guilty.

      While it may be possible for men and women to imitate the role of the other, such imitation ultimately does not fulfill the purpose of marriage, nor does it come to its complete fruition for our souls. Any man who is underneath his wife knows that it is shameful. Women in general long for a man’s strength, not his weakness. A man does indeed need to learn submission, but that is to his earthly authorities and to God.

      I would suggest to you both that you try things in the rightly ordered way.

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