Tag: spanking instruments
Instrument Ratings
There is only so much to say about the instruments used in spanking. I have given a general overview of instruments before, and written a number of different instrument highlights, including on the belt, the paddle, the loopy, and the cane. I’ve written on hand spanking before as well. I write this piece as a…
Spanking and Pregnancy
The subject has come up many times about the safety of spanking while a wife is pregnant, both in the comments and in my e-mail exchanges with readers. It deserves its own article, and separate discussion. In nearly all marriages childbirth will occur, and it should. Sometimes, the closeness which comes along with spanking, leads…
Readers Poll: Spanking Effects and Instruments
Ladies: How does being spanked affect your behavior? A) I am careful to behave in the coming days B) I am careful to behave will for the long term C) I feel at rest with my husband, and obey him easily D) I want to be close to my husband, emotionally and physically E) It…
The Crop: It’s for the Horses
Smile! That’s right, we keep it with our other gear, our boots, spurs, and riding caps. You’ve got to have one . . . if you ride. A couple that kept stables, or that even rode horses as a hobby could get away with a brazen statement like that with a smile. If you’re not…
The Enforcer: Keeping an Instrument of Fear
Marital discipline is meant to keep a wife in line, and a spanking should be undesirable, and a thing to be feared. Often this is the case. Other times a woman does not want to get the message, and the attraction of disobedience, or personal pleasure convince her to do wrong is worth it, and…
Spanking Instruments: Making Music Together
Most people have an idea how to administer a spanking, as well as what tools they might use, whether just their hand or a spanking instrument. I’ll just take the time to go over which tools I use, and mention a few more which are popular. When we deliver a spanking, most disciplinarians use an…