Tag: trust

  • When the Man Gets it Wrong

    Being submissive to anyone presents unique challenges. It requires humility, great trust, and a unique way of doing things, since you won’t be in the driver’s seat, or making the decisions. One common fear, and a problem every wife will face, is when a husband makes a mistake, or does something wrong. He is the…

  • That Group Thing

    I have a healthy respect for the variety that exists in marital discipline. However, I want to warn about one aberrant practice that you find in some spanking homes. This is the use of onlookers during a spanking, or even of having others come in and perform the spanking. I make mention of this in…

  • Keeping Her Bare

    Nearly anyone experienced in training a wife will tell you the great asset of keeping her bare. That means keeping her bare for training, not just for making love, or for a spanking. Being undressed is an excellent way for her to learn submission to you, and understand deeply how fully she belongs to you.…

  • Loving the Variety

    The lovely playing field of Wife Spanking cannot easily be defined. I have my own personal borders for my discipline manual here, but in practice it can include even more practices than I describe, use, or show appreciation for. The wide array of methods in wife spanking is something to be aware of if you…

  • The Duty of the Marriage Bed

    This online manual is purposed to give guidance and advise about marital spanking. A spanking is one part of a discipline system, which is only one part of the husband’s leadership, which is only one large part of marriage as a whole. So while I write here on disciplining your wife, I also want to…

  • Safe Words and Marital Spanking

    I believe in basic safety when practicing discipline. However I am not a big supporter of the use of the “safe word.” The safe word, which is ubiquitous in the bdsm world, and which can be found less commonly in marital spanking, is a word a wife can say if a spanking is getting too…

  • It’s a Wonderful Life

    I would like for others to have what I have. I may not have a flawlessly perfect marriage, but it is wonderful and happy and peaceful. We seek to live out what God teaches us in His Word and do it as a family. I want that for others, and I truly hate to see…