Tag: Non-Spanking Discipline
When to Pause or End Spanking
Perhaps one of the hardest decisions to make is deciding if spanking needs to be done away with. It’s a big marriage decision to start it, and just as big a decision to step back from. I obviously think spanking is excellent, and helpful for couples in most instances. However, spanking can also carry unique…
What Can a Man Do?
I want to answer some of the common questions that men have when they are faced with the possibility of learning to discipline their wives. This might come up because their wives ask them for a spanking, or it might come up because he learned about spanking online and is considering its use. While many…
Spanking Polls for Readers
Here is a poll for men and for women. Since I can’t get the polls at WordPress to work, I’ve just written them out, and you can answer them in the comments below if you wish. Feel free to explain. For women:What do you think of spanking? A) I kind of like the idea, but…
It was Worth the Wait
One common denominator around most spankings is that there is a wait involved. The wait may be out of necessity, as it is inconvenient or impossible to give the spanking at the moment. The wait may also be intentional, so as to give the wife more time to think about her situation, and to regret…
Leading Her with Words
I emphasize throughout this manual that spanking your wife is only a tool in leading her. It is not what leading is all about. To make spanking the main way of guiding your wife would be imbalanced and leave her wanting. The daily, regular way of leading, and correcting is with words. Words reach her…
When She Wants to Get Punished
A phenomenon many men are familiar with is the wife that does something just so she can get into trouble and be spanked. Usually, it’s something minor, but enough to get her husband’s attention and some time over his knee. This is usually referred to in domestic discipline as bratting, but just think of it…