Tag: 아내를 때려라
Managing Your Wife: Eating and Health
This is Part 3 in the Managing Your Wife series, which has dealt previously with emotional outbursts, and finances. It is almost a stereotype that after a couple has been married for some years, the wife balloons up in size, and makes herself quite unattractive to him, and quite unhealthy. You don’t have to look…
Overcoming Obstacles to Sexual Submission
The marriage bed is one area where fewer women have trouble submitting. It’s more likely that women desire to yield to their husband’s strength here than anywhere else. The woman’s yielding in the marriage bed should merely picture her yielding to her husband in their marriage each day, but do so more deeply and personally.…
Managing Your Wife: Emotional Outbursts
This is part of a series called Managing Your Wife. You can read the first articles on Finances right here. I am writing in response to the concerns of one of our readers, who wanted some insight on a wife’s emotional outbursts, and how a husband can deal with them. Said outbursts were her own, but considering they were…
Bad Behavior in Public
Husbands who have been leading their wives for a while generally know well how to handle any bad behavior by her in the home. They have an array of weapons, from instruction, to warning, to immediate discipline if the moment warrants it. For many couples this has become routine, and much is known and expected.…
There’s That Maintenance Thing
I regularly hear from readers, and likewise from married men and women about maintenance spanking, with opinions both for and against. I’ve put out an article uniquely on this topic before, and I want to address a few related points. Maintenance rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but is also a common practice,…
What Does a Discipline Session Look Like
I sometimes get asked what a normal punishment session is like, and this is a pint of curiosity for those who have either never tried it, or are new and still learning. Nearly all discipline shares the same basic steps, and will vary only a little. Granted, there are unique circumstances in each correction, and…
Welcome and Learning Discipline
Welcome. This is a website devoted to teaching marital discipline, or wife spanking as some call it. I hope to provide advice, instructions, and knowledge about how to use spanking in your marriage relationship. I will draw from personal experience and many years of using discipline in the home, but it is not a personal…