Tag: warnings

  • How Not to be Too Soft

    Men who lead their homes and discipline their wives tend to have two potential pitfalls before them. One is being overly legalistic and harsh, and the other is lacking oversight, and being soft with punishment. I have included a few articles warning against the former, and would like to focus on avoiding the latter pitfall.…

  • Use of the Warning

    The effects of spanking and the effects of your overall leadership as a husband go hand in hand. This is perhaps nowhere more clear than in finding that warnings do immediate good to change her behavior. They don’t involve having to spank her, but only letting her know she will be spanked if her misdeeds…

  • The Verbal Correction

    I can never emphasize enough the importance of the husband guiding his wife with words. This goes for giving clear instructions, encouragement, and praise. It also includes providing some amount of correction verbally. He should know he has this tool to use when keeping the home in order. That’s why I recommend using formal verbal…

  • The Enforcer: Keeping an Instrument of Fear

    Marital discipline is meant to keep a wife in line, and a spanking should be undesirable, and a thing to be feared. Often this is the case. Other times a woman does not want to get the message, and the attraction of disobedience, or personal pleasure convince her to do wrong is worth it, and…

  • Why I Chose Spanking for my Marriage

    I decided to use spanking as a discipline tool in my marriage for a variety of reasons. It was always my plan, and it was a practice I told my wife about before we were married, and while we were still discussing elements of a possible coming union. I was comfortable, and confident in talking…

  • Starting Discipline in the Home

    Once you have decided to correct your wife with spanking, your next step is to put this into practice in the home. Some of this may amount to establishing clear leadership and rules in the home, if you have not done that already. For others, it my simply amount to starting to enforce the rules…

  • It’s a Wonderful Life

    I would like for others to have what I have. I may not have a flawlessly perfect marriage, but it is wonderful and happy and peaceful. We seek to live out what God teaches us in His Word and do it as a family. I want that for others, and I truly hate to see…

  • How it Helps You Everyday

    One of the benefits of spanking your wife that I cannot emphasize enough is that it accentuates your verbal instructions to her, and gives plenty of power to your verbal warnings. It does not act in isolation, but acts together with your words. That is one way that domestic discipline will help you out every…

  • How it Helps You Everyday

    One of the benefits of spanking your wife that I cannot emphasize enough is that it accentuates your verbal instructions to her, and gives plenty of power to your verbal warnings. It does not act in isolation, but acts together with your words. That is one way that domestic discipline will help you out every…