Tag: azotaina
Preemptive Spanking
In many homes spanking are used for more than a punishment. They can serve a variety of purposes in training, some of which I have discussed before when it comes to training or “maintenance” discipline. One further use, which might fit into the umbrella of training, is a preemptive use: that means you give a…
An Obedience App
A reader recently mentioned to me that he uses an app to manage discipline with his wife. The app helps remind her of her responsibilities, and it also tells what the punishment is for each infraction. He has had a positive experience with the app, and thinks it could help couples with their marriage system.…
The Art of Bent Over
I’ve written about possibly the most loved spanking position — that of over the knee — and I want to discuss what may be the most common position, and also beloved by many. That is the position of bent over, in all of its many wondrous varieties. Spanking positions do not change anything substantial about…
What is Spank Your Wife?
I’ve been surprised and very gracious at the number of visitors I’ve had at Spank Your Wife, including those who sincerely want to learn, and improve their marriages. I’ve also been greatly blessed to correspond at length with some of you. For first-time visitors though, it still may be unclear the overall purpose of the…
Do You Have Time to Give Discipline?
One of several challenges of having discipline in your marriage is making sure that you have the time. This could be planning the time to give a spanking, or another form of correction. The time it takes to give a spanking is not great, usually, so do not think the average marriage will be too busy…
Keeping Wife and Home Free of Negative Influences
The influences of the world are heavily against male headship and against godly living. These influences need to be kept out of the home in general, and specifically away from your wife. Worldly influences usually will make her submission more difficult for her, but also take her away from virtue and holiness. The very purity…
Overcoming Obstacles to Sexual Submission
The marriage bed is one area where fewer women have trouble submitting. It’s more likely that women desire to yield to their husband’s strength here than anywhere else. The woman’s yielding in the marriage bed should merely picture her yielding to her husband in their marriage each day, but do so more deeply and personally.…
Reader’s Poll: Effective Spankings and More
To all of our readers, men and women, here are two questions for you: 1: Describe a spanking that was very effective in changing your wife’s behavior, or in being changed if you are the wife. 2: What is the most serious infraction you have spanked for, or been spanked for? You can find most…
A Submissive Wife’s Testimony and Advice
This testimony comes from a letter sent to me by a reader, who has agreed with her husband to let me post it. I believe her testimony is valuable to other couples, in how it shows that she is learning submission, and becoming more feminine, with the help of her husband’s leadership and discipline. Her…
Managing Your Wife: Emotional Outbursts
This is part of a series called Managing Your Wife. You can read the first articles on Finances right here. I am writing in response to the concerns of one of our readers, who wanted some insight on a wife’s emotional outbursts, and how a husband can deal with them. Said outbursts were her own, but considering they were…
Managing Your Wife: Finances
This is the first part in a series on managing the wife. It will focus on setting standards for the home, and leading her in marriage life, with further discussion on when discipline may be needed. Some of these topics I’ve gone over before, others will be new. One domain in which a husband will…
What Got You Started?
These are some things I hear from men and women who want discipline in their home, or who have already started it. I hear many of the same factors at work in starting discipline: My wife has been disrespectful to me our whole marriage, and she won’t do what I say. Maybe spanking will help…
Spanking and Pregnancy
The subject has come up many times about the safety of spanking while a wife is pregnant, both in the comments and in my e-mail exchanges with readers. It deserves its own article, and separate discussion. In nearly all marriages childbirth will occur, and it should. Sometimes, the closeness which comes along with spanking, leads…
How Not to be Too Soft
Men who lead their homes and discipline their wives tend to have two potential pitfalls before them. One is being overly legalistic and harsh, and the other is lacking oversight, and being soft with punishment. I have included a few articles warning against the former, and would like to focus on avoiding the latter pitfall.…
Readers Poll: Spanking Effects and Instruments
Ladies: How does being spanked affect your behavior? A) I am careful to behave in the coming days B) I am careful to behave will for the long term C) I feel at rest with my husband, and obey him easily D) I want to be close to my husband, emotionally and physically E) It…